Moved from the Midwest to the west coast. Haven’t been living at home since I was 18 and am now 30. I try stop by to visit once a year . Lately I’ve noticed I want to move back so I can be more close to them as I wasn’t really home even during my youth if that makes sense.

People who have uprooted , did u find yourself moving back? Or will it get better if u have kids of your own.

  1. Yes. I moved back home after 10 years BECAUSE of my son.

    I don’t regret it. My son can grow up seeing his cousins and grandparents

  2. I sympathize – 14 years into a cross country move and I’m still homesick. Want to move back but now my kid views the East Coast as her home and the wife’s family lives here. It’s tough.

  3. Sounds like a question of priorities, deciding what matters most and making sacrifices to maximize it. Are your priorities starting to change? Be mindful, like the other commenter said, that raising kids somewhere can “trap” you there. “Trapped” isn’t always bad, but you’ll feel better about it if you go in with clear priorities.

  4. I changed countries when I was 26. I’m living now on the West Coast and have made my mind to move back to my home county to be closer to my parents and feel more grounded. It’s been tough.

  5. I actually have noticed a “trend” among my friends and colleagues where they move to the West or East Coast for a while in their 20s, have a good time, but ultimately come back to the Midwest to settle down.

    I loved living in DC and had a great time, but the housing prices, family, and nature here in Minnesota brought me back. Plus having both sets of grandparents to help out with kids is great.

  6. How much of a social network do you have in your new location. Friends? Partner?

    My family lives in a place I do not want to move to, so I’ve just had to deal with it.

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