For me the issue honestly is the profession I’m in – whenever I do it full time & at one job – I get so drained including socially that I then don’t want to socialise outside of work. But then I get lonely. I’m desperate to get into more flexible work. But if I can’t make that happen, how can I make it easier to get out & socialise more often cos I crave friendship & a social life so much. I can’t go back to how it was. But when I think about doing that kind of work again & trying to also socialise I feel tired even thinking about doing that. How do I manage to push myself more if I can’t get out of full time work in a demanding (& frankly not that highly paying 😂 but it’s ok) field?
My ideal scenario is getting career coaching when I can – & I have sources for that I can use – & get the hell out. But if I can’t get out. How do I manage to push myself to get out there more socially even if I’m tired & drained?

  1. If you are an introvert and need time to recover from seeing people all day, then reserve an hour or two on weekends for socialising, and don’t do it during the work week.

    My advice is to focus on socialising while doing activities you enjoy, i.e., based on your hobbies. Whether it be a book club, fishing, jogging, hiking, foraging, movies, games, board games, walking, etc. Try to find a meetup group near you that meets for anything you are interested in.

  2. work friends are overrated. provided you’re civil to all, having actual friends there is moot.

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