There’s been sun until almost 9pm (21:00) this week, and it is getting hard to sleep early. Do you also face these issues? How do you manage to deal with this?

  1. Not at all; I love it! It means sun when I come off work, it means longer evenings and light nights; while I’m not much of a summer-fan, I absolutely adore the nights around solstice where it never gets _really_ dark, where the sun only _barely_ sets. It’s amazing!

    Also, for dealing with the light, I have black-out blinds, meaning that practically no unwanted sunlight gets into my bedroom.

  2. When I’m tired enough and I close my eyes I fall asleep. As simple as that. It happens even easier if I’m in bed. I can be not really tired in the broad daylight but if I go to bed and close my eyes I’ll definitely fall asleep. Someone might think it’s nice but it isn’t: I can’t just sit or lay and do nothing, because if I don’t do anything I close my eyes and my body goes to stand-by like a computer.

  3. Makes no difference. We actually sleep with the curtains open year round now and I can sleep just as well in the light as in the dark – I wake at almost exactly the same time every morning utterly regardless of when the sun comes up.

    What *does* sometimes wake me when the window is open are the *birds* yelling their tiny hearts out at 4am. Sparrow > Sun.

  4. Not really. In the height of summer it doesn’t get fully dark where I am, it makes spending the night outside on a hammock more interesting.

  5. It’s only an issue if it’s still not dark when I go to bed. Since I usually go to bed a little after midnight, this isn’t an issue for me outside polar latitudes.

    I have had trouble with it in Norway though where it never gets completely dark in summer. I guess you either get used to it, or you invest in more opaque curtains. And on the flipside I find it extremely difficult to get up early in the morning for work in the middle of winter.

  6. For me it’s the short days that mess up my sleep schedule. It’s not great even at the best of times, but in mid-winter it just goes completely haywire. Too much time between sun down and bed time. I don’t have any issues sleeping when it’s light so long summer days don’t bother me.

  7. not really tbh.

    What’s worst is the heat during summer – i have hard time sleeping once temparature goes over 24’C during the night. Add flies or mosquitoes and i end up not sleeping at all

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