Fathers of Reddit, what’s the story of your proudest Dad moment?

  1. My daughter got in trouble at school in the second grade. She stood up in the cafeteria and called all the children a bunch of broke ass kids.

  2. My son was playing basketball for his school. The other coach put in a kid who had some special needs.

    My son got a defensive rebound. Everyone but that kid started clearing out. My son waited then handed it to the kid and waived everyone off while the kid took a couple shots until one went in.

    By the time one went in, there wasn’t a dry eye in the gym.

  3. Right now I’m sorta experiencing that.

    My daughter and her husband have a great relationship and are great parents.

    My son and his wife are living a great life in Oahu right now.

    My other son and his wife are about to celebrate their 5th Anniversary. They are also wonderful parents.

  4. My proudest dad moment was when my son graduated college with honors. I couldn’t have been more proud!

  5. My proudest Dad moment was without any doubt when my son graduated from high school. It really showed me how much he had achieved and made me so proud of him!

  6. My proudest dad moment was when my son graduated high school. As a single Dad I had taken on the challenge of raising him by myself and watching him succeed academically made me more proud than words can express.

  7. After settling in my seat on the plane, the Captain walked back, hugged me and said: “C’mon up Dad, I had ’em move you to first class!”

  8. Oldest is 3.5. The other day he threw off his diaper (we only diaper for bedtime now) and said “I’m gonna poo in my toilet!”

    Had a fine doodie, farted loud and went “haha I farted!” We wiped and re-diapered.

    No way in hell is this not my child.

  9. When my daughter was 3 she would sit in my lap and help me kill zombies in Left 4 Dead… i miss when she was little.

  10. When my daughter figured out orbital mechanics in Kerbal Space Program at age 8 and was able to build rockets and land them on the Moon (Mun) and beyond.

  11. My daughter using a workbench I made her. Single solid slab of three inch red oak, 6 foot by 3 foot, that I muscled into her room before screwing on the legs .

    Two welded steel U legs. Both rated for officially 1000 lbs, unofficially for 1500. I always wanted to add a third. In case kid needs to machine tungsten or do some motorcycle work on it.

    Also brought her a solid granite slab for some of her hobby work. Wanted marble but couldn’t find any that wasn’t ridiculously priced.

    She uses it for drawing mostly. She just got into it but is doing very well.

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