I know my attitude also matters but sometimes I just can’t connect with certain people. If I try a lot will I eventually find someone I like that likes me back? Or at least increase my chances. Not in just a romantic way

  1. Yes, you won’t connect with everyone on that level. So it’s largely trial and error, meeting and developing relationships with people and seeing which ones build and which ones don’t.

  2. Yes, it’s entirely trial and error. Not everyone will want to be friends with you, and not everyone will make a good friend. Same with romance.

  3. It’s all about trial and error. That’s why you’re supposed to cast a very wide net. You won’t click with a majority of people. But you’ll be happy when you find someone you do click with. And if you’re focused on romantic partners, don’t be. Focus on friends and the romantic connections will come.

  4. When I meet someone new, I know if we’re going to be good friends or not in 30 minutes max. I just click with some people. This doesnt happen a lot but hey, you just cant force a friendship.

  5. >If I try a lot will I eventually find someone I like that likes me back?

    You might, you might not. Nobody knows, and if anyone says they do, they’re lying. People like to believe that it happens for almost everyone, but sometimes for some people it doesn’t, and that’s ok.

    >Or at least increase my chances.

    Anyone can. That includes mostly meeting a lot of people and self-improvement. No guarantees, though.

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