Man to man, how did you finally find peace in life?

  1. Be focused, be kind, be yourself. And work towards achieving the goals you set. Step by step.

  2. Accepted myself, graduated from university, got married.

    Point is – accept yourself and like yourself, don’t give a damn about other people’s opinion and you’re going to be fine.

  3. Leave the past behind and focus on what you can do with what you have and the time you have left rather than what it could have been.
    Also it’s important to learn how to ignore and to let go of damaging people in your life

  4. There is no peace in life because life doesn’t work this way. It’s a constant fight for survival.

  5. 1; Accept things as they are instead of fretting about what is and what ought to be. Doesn’t mean you can’t work on changing things, but detaching from it emotionally is better all-around.

    2; Always work on improving yourself and your life, bit by bit, day by day.

    3; Don’t try and change or control people, they’ll do whatever they want to do.

    4; Assess or judge people on what they do, not what they say. You remove a lot of doubt and worry that way

  6. Accepting yourself for who you are. Whether that is your weaknesses and strength, your looks and personality. Everything.

  7. When I’m drunk. I’m the life of the party. I find peace in making everyone have a good time

    When I’m sober, I am practically a therapist/ comedian.

    I don’t believe anyone really cares about me deep down.

    But the immediate reactions bring me happiness.

    So I take what I can get.

    When you aren’t able to meet life goals, you need to find solace elsewhere

  8. I’m about to get 30, but no peace or happiness, don’t like my job, my lifestyle, anything really and the sad part is i am unmotivated to do anything about it.

  9. Meditation and breath work. Life is suffering. Peace is a temporary feeling from that suffering.

  10. All things are temporary. Peace doesn’t really exist. There are, however, peaceful moments.

  11. I did a few things and fuck am I ever glad I did them. I quit dating because I found it to be exhausting and the exact opposite of peaceful. I also quit watching the news and deleted all social media besides reddit, which offered up huge bundle of peace in itself. I try to keep my nose out of political stuff and really just stopped caring about gender issues, race issues, and political issues. There are too many issues in the world in all the different groups, and I find it exhausting trying to keep up with it all, so life becomes way more simple and peaceful when you stop giving a shit about any of it. Then, all that’s left to do is get your work done and enjoy your hobbies 😀 And life is peaceful

  12. Never have and occasionally think I won’t. I just learned to adjust to crazy crap occasion happening.

  13. i big help was giving up monogamy forever. my life is much devoid of drama,its amazing. almost a zen like state

  14. 1. Gave up alcohol
    2. Quit working for, or with, other people
    3. No social media (except reddit)
    4. Make sure I look after the 1%ers eg Clean house, tidy yard, good food preparation
    5. Get some exercise in every day no matter how short/little
    6. Spending time by myself
    7. Dog and cat
    8. Saying NO most of the time
    9. Being in nature regularly
    10. Gardening

  15. I switched from beer to whiskey..

    And then started drinking both

    A nice drink after a long day is the biggest thing I look forward to .. its not much but it’s what I got

  16. Stop drinking ha dramatically improved my life in many ways. It’s so crazy how the addiction pulls you in without you knowing it. r/stopdrinking

  17. Not giving a fuck what other people think, as long as I enjoy whatever it is that I am enjoying doing. Still struggling with other things, like trying to compare myself with more successful people, but I’m slowly getting there.

  18. 1. Went to therapy
    2. Took responsibility for my own actions and how they affected the people around me
    3. Stopped overindulgence in weed & alcohol
    4. Working out / biking
    5. Stopped my 9-5 continued my business
    6. Got a girlfriend which i love and moved in together
    7. Keep my house in order

    I always advice everyone to start therapy first and then move from there. I was hurting people around me and myself without fully being aware of it.

  19. Getting older. Realizing you can lose everything in a heartbeat, so learning to appreciate the moments you have.

  20. When I stopped worrying about how other people perceived me. After a few deep and painful events, loss, successes and failures.

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