I love the little things. Sometimes, I wish my husband would be more thoughtful and send me little check up messages to say hi and see how’s my day going. I feel like I’m the only one who’s initiating it. Anytime I message him, he always says he can’t talk because he’s busy doing something. He does get breaks at work, but never thinks to message me like I would think to message him. Sometimes, he’ll post things on Facebook, but seem to have no time to at least say, “Hi, I’m thinking about you and hope you’re having a great day.”. I don’t feel like I’m receiving the same energy I put out and expressed this to him many times.

TLDR: I would love to hear others’ perspectives on it.

  1. What other things does he do that makes you feel loved or cared for? I think this is an individual thing; I would find it really smothering to be at work and have to check in with my relationship during the day. I wouldn’t like to be expected to answer a text during a busy workday. The truth is, when I am at work, I am not thinking of my partner and wouldn’t like to lie about it; it should be OK to separate during the day & come back with things to share.

  2. Have you directly told him you would enjoy these things and for him to do them more?

  3. Im sure your husband has things he wishes you would do in the bed room. We all have things we wish our partners would do, but we are who we are and changing people never works. The question is, is this something you can overlook for the sake of your marriage, if it is then your just going to have to get over your feelings.

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