I am 30 F and am dating someone 38 M. We met on Hinge and have been seeing each other for just over 2 months. I am liking him very much and enjoy spending time with him but am worried about a couple of potential red flags and would like guidance as to when exclusivity talk should be expected or is appropriate.

1. When do you determine when to have the exclusivity talk and do you set a boundary for yourself (eg. after 10 dates or 10 weeks of dating?) before you have it / stop investing time into the person?
2. Does consistent poor texting (loads of time in between texts, sometimes several days) indicate a lack of consideration for the other person? If we are connecting very strongly in person, does this really matter and should I be establishing communication expectations and discussing them pre-exclusivity talk? Should I be asking for more and what does that conversation look like? Is a multiple day lull in responding (without warning) acceptable? (Context: he likes to stay off his phone in general; we have been dating for 2 months)
3. Is a lack of intention in dating for a 38 year old man a red flag? (Context: man has had several long term serious relationships, states he’s not really sure what he’s looking for at the moment, has been single for 1 year)

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