So recently I’ve been trying to stop associating with my current group of friends because I feel they are holding me back. I realize now that I only hang out with them to fill a void of being alone. Other than talking to them to avoid being lonely, they serve no other purpose.

None of them have ambitions, goals, or a hint of a plan beyond Highschool. They only like to hang out on fridays and smoke/drink, and by the time monday rolls around, they talk the entire week about what their gonna do the next Friday. And the next. And so on.

On top of this, I also picked up that they talk about me behind my back. I always ask them why they don’t just say it to me straight, but they just smirk and go along with the joke.

I really want to leave them and go my own way, but I am too dependent on them. If I suddenly stop talking to them, then it’ll be awkward, as I see them multiple times a day at school already, even having classes with a couple. I don’t talk to anyone besides them, so they’ll constantly come up to me bc I’ll be alone and they’ll be in their group as usual.

Please leave any advice on this situation if possible.

  1. Maybe try making some friends outside of your friend group. You can still keep in contact with your old friends, then you can slowly start spending more time with the other friends, so it doesn’t seem abrupt.

  2. Are you dumb bro, juat leave the future drug addicts and hangout with other people. Its simple.

  3. Interesting, I had a similar problem but opposite I guess. My friends never wanted to go and do anything. They would rather sit in a room for 12 hours straight and watch anime (yawn). I wanted friends like yours. That went out and made plans and stuff and partied. I was able to get those friends I wanted from branching out of my friend group.

    I’m a woman btw. I noticed that my women friends were boring and my guy friends were fun so I just started hanging out with them. They didn’t find it weird that I became part of their friend group. None of them tried to hit on me or anything like that.

    I def got looks from people for hanging out with like all dudes but I didn’t care cause I was actually happy for once (I grew up with a lot of guy friends and had a stay at home dad, I fit in well with guys) Idk I had multiple groups of people I kinda knew in hs so I just picked a different one that aligned more with my interests.

    I will say that I’m not friends with anyone I was friends with in hs anymore. it’s better to change things now and enjoy the rest of hs than settle. Some people do hold you back and you just have to rip the bandaid off and find better people. I hope this helps a little.

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