I’ve(m20) been chatting with a girl(f30) online for a few months. We live in different states but wanna meet up. Nothing serious but we wanna have sex. Before me she was in a committed relationship for a few years. She has an IUD and we’re planning on getting tested for STDs. I’m still considering using condoms since I’ve never had sex raw(or much sex for that matter). I’d love to cum in her raw but the thought of pregnancy scares me alot. Is sex with only an IUD safe enough? Or should I also use a condom? Am I being too paranoid? She doesn’t mind either way although it would be sexier for both of us if it was raw.

  1. IUDs are one of the most effective contraceptives short of sterilization – like 99% effective per year.

  2. IUDs are very effective and I didn’t get pregnant the whole 5 years I had one. I would definitely make sure you see medical papers proving she’s clean before going there at all but as long as everything checks out and you want to do it, I say go for it lol. Get a plan b for her to take the next morning to be extra safe if you want.

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