By this I mean, you wish you got flowers or that they planned dates or that they proposed instead of you, etc.

  1. Reciprocated romance

    Ever since kids I’m the only one who flirts, plans special date nights, initiates sex etc

    Would love it if my SO would reciprocate this and remember what our pre-kid dating life used to be like

  2. Walk into the room to ask me her questions. Instead of asking me from the other side of the house, knowing full well (because I’m always telling her) that I struggle to hear her.

  3. I wish my SO did more little things to show thoughtfulness and appreciation. Spending quality time together and having meaningful conversations is always a nice way to connect with each other.

  4. I wish I was the same priority I was 15 years ago. I’m so far down on the list of things she has passions for any more.

  5. My ex was very sentimental. I am happy we still keep in touch after a long period of no talking.

    She would buy little cute “I’m thinking of you” type gifts. A card. Superhero themed socks. Wrote letters and would give them to me. She’d share songs that made her think of me. Just a total cutie.

  6. It might be nice to see her. She was overseas for a few years and now takes care of her aging parents. I just want to give her an orgasm and make her laugh when we have lunch. It was easy if she was here. Can’t really do that in a two minute phone call.

  7. * Apologise for when they do something wrong and take responsibility instead of playing push-pull games
    * Keep appointments and not be a total, unreliable flake
    * Be a man of honour and let actions match words
    * Not be a drama king who’s always trying to stir up drama in everything with everyone

    I think that’s just the minimum standards, so little to ask for really!

  8. Buy the borderlands collection so we can coop, but with her calendar very full at the moment I can understand why she does not for now.

  9. Make me a priority in there life. I feel I’m there to serve and provide . I feel starved for attention and love.

  10. In my experiences, relationships are something that happens to a woman. It’s the man’s job to make sure that happens.

    I wish someday to feel like I’m not the only one that plans, the only one that communicates, the only one that initiates, the only one that cares. I wish to someday feel like a priority, like I matter, like I’m appreciated.

  11. I’ve been thinking lately that I don’t feel like she says “thank you” for when I do things around the house to make our house nicer to live in. I’m not responsible for all the laundry but I happily do it. Same goes for dishes and getting our kid to school. And picking him up 80% of the time. I walk the dog 75% of the time. I take care of the yardwork. She does 95% of the cooking and I thank her every single time. I try to say thank you for everything she does after she does it. I’m not ungrateful at all. And I do not have an issue with doing any of the stuff I do. I just don’t feel like I get thanked. Oh, and yesterday…I grabbed her by the face and looked at her and told her how much I appreciated her and loved her. I can’t really remember the last time she just looked at me and had a deep, loving talk like that. I know she loves me.

  12. I (37m) have never received flowers before. Seems really insignificant, but I’d really like to get some unexpectedly just one time. I have shared that thought with some of my buddies and they looked at me funny (I am bearded, heavily tattooed, and came up through the trades) but I love flowers and plants. It would be nice.

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