So Im 18 and i had my first kiss at 17 it was awkward bc well we both were and i just thought that was only a one time thing. ive noticed lately when id go on dates and kiss people that i just didnt like it. men or women it just felt like a chore and i dont focus on the kissing i just think when will this be over. its not like this when ive had sex cause ive liked that but kissing just isnt enjoyable for me and idk why? i see people all around me or in tv shows and movies kiss and they just have lovey dovey eyes but it feels like im defective bc even though asexuality is recognized and kind of fine to some people most everyone enjoys kissing. ive never heard of one person whos felt how i do. so im wondering am i defective?

tl;dr i feel weird bc i dont like kissing. am i defective?

1 comment
  1. Some people just don’t like kissing! It’s one of those things that can be very wet, and sometimes it’s distasteful.

    It might also be a pheromone thing; I know I like kissing my husband a lot better than I liked kissing my college girlfriend, and it’s because he tastes a lot better to me. Maybe you just haven’t found someone who tastes good to you.

    Either way, not broken! Just natural human variance.

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