Last night my wife was running in a 10km trail race so my daughter and myself went along to offer a bit of support and spend some quality time together. I can’t express how proud I always get when I see her cross that finish line. It makes me realise just how tremendously lucky I am that 30 years ago she chose me to spend the rest of her life with.
I’m not downplaying the importance of this sub to help people in need of advice but I love to hear the positive stories as well as try and help advise people who need it

  1. I’m in awe of your wife. 10k? 👏👏👏

    We’re playing hooky Friday to go fishing together. We went last Sunday, wasted lots of gas, didn’t catch a thing, but had lots of good conversations, sang along to the radio and genuinely had a good time.

  2. I want more posts about loving your spouse and happy marriages. More of those posts with pictures together celebrating a birthday, wedding, anniversary or anything.

  3. Wife and oldest daughter have started taking BJJ classes together. (Wife is a longtime player.)

    They were both in their gis about to leave and I was just filled with pride. Had to spend a couple of minutes telling them how awesome and amazing they are and how impressed I am with their dedication and skill.

  4. I am one of the lucky ones,I think.
    32 years,not always easy but so worth it.

  5. I really do think I have a fantastic marriage. It wasn’t always rainbows and roses as we went through a really rough patch after my first was born and I was suffering hard from severe PPD, anxiety, OCD, you name it. Our house and marriage was drowning in dark despair if I’m being honest and when I look back at how supporting and amazing my husband was during that time, how he always put me and our child first, how he worked so hard to keep things stable even though he was probably at his wits end, how he tried so hard not to set me off, how he just sacrificed everything to make sure that I was ok….it brings tears to my eyes at how amazing he was back then and how amazing he is now.

    That was about 15yrs ago and things continue to be amazing. I know for a fact that he is my person until the day I die. I really do feel like we have it all; 100% trust, a fulfilling life of friends and hobbies outside of our marriage and fulfilling life of friends and hobbies together as a couple. He supports me in whatever I want to do – solo trips with friends, engaging in other hobbies that require him to rearrange his schedule to accommodate (I entered a competition that took 6-8wks of intense training so he took on 95% of the house/kids etc without complaint and always asked about how things were going, hugged me when I was feeling like shit during training etc) came with the kids to cheer for me on the day of the event. I give him that exact support as well; he’s going on two trips to compete and while we can’t go with him because the kids are in school, I fully support him going and am excited for him. I don’t even think about ever denying him these things as I do not feel any insecurity at all with him being away.

  6. I LOVE AND ADORE my husband. We have had our ups and downs but he’s my other half for life and I’m crazy about him. He’s so hard working and caring. He’s the best.

  7. Our marriage is about spending every day devoting ourselves to each other. Wake up, enjoy each other’s company, do some things that need doing, enjoy each other’s company some more, go to bed. Repeat. For 26 years.

    We live 100 miles away from the mountains we like to hike in. Every week we make that trip twice (2-3 hours each way). I look forward to the time we spend together in the car, just chatting. Hiking is our current passion. We spend far too much time and money on it—totally worth it.

  8. I love seeing positive posts! I was having a rough day yesterday since I have a sick toddler and a very clingy baby. My husband came home from work and cooked chicken parmesan for me (one of my favorite meals). Then after we got the little ones to bed, he got out the Reese’s cups he picked up on the way home. It was such a sweet gesture and it made me feel so loved.

  9. Oh man I had a huge day yesterday, just in terms of shit to get done. I had to coach after work and then head into a conference call pretty much as soon as I got home from coaching.

    My wife asked me what my timing looked at and when I came home from coaching there was a full plate of dinner on the island in the kitchen for me. I typically cook so I’d just resigned myself to not eating until like 9pm, but she’s thoughtful as hell.

  10. I adore my husband , he is perfect for me and just a genuinely wonderful human being . I would be lying though saying some days he didn’t drive me up a wall 😂

  11. I have a good one! Last night my husband and I were having a conversation about past sexual relationship, very surface level. He’s taken a couple girls virginities as a young teenager and I asked him, “Do you ever think about how you’re a part of someone’s life story? Like there are people out there reminiscing about their first time and that person is you. I don’t think I’m that for many people. I haven’t taken anyones virginity.” His response was effortless and instant. He was still chewing his food, and watching some stupid show when he responded, “What!? You’re fucking incredible.. and so beautiful. You’re by far the most beautiful girl that any of them have been with and people remember that.” Just one of those reminders that when he tells me he’s hopelessly infatuated with me.. he means it.

  12. My wife and I are both distance runners and we’ve been together 20 years. There was a half marathon in our home town earlier this year that we usually run together but this year she decided to stay home with our new puppies while I ran. Part of the course goes near our neighborhood. That’s where I saw her, alone on the sidewalk holding a big sign with my name on it above her head like Lloyd Dobler in Say Anything. She was yelling and jumping up and down like a fool. To this day I have no idea why she picked me

    We’ve had our challenges but underneath the tension there’s always been a certainty and a confidence that we will end up together

  13. I have a very happy marriage. We’ve been together for 27 years our anniversary is this summer. Hands down the best decision I ever made was to marry my husband. I absolutely adore him and I look forward to us growing old together. I still get butterflies when we kiss and just a glance from him makes me blush. Real love is possible, happy marriages exist. I know how very fortunate I am to have found my soul mate and I will never take him or our relationship for granted.

  14. I’m in awe of your wife! And congrats on a healthy marriage! 😍

    I have to say we’re two of the lucky ones to have found each other as well. We happened to meet randomly while playing an online card game called Magic: The Gathering online. I thought he was funny during the match, so I messaged him afterward, which was not something I’d ever done before. This was 2002, so meeting people online wasn’t really normalized yet, lol. Met online in November, in person in January ‘03, only got to meet up in person one other time before I moved across the country & in with him in April ‘03. People thought I was crazy, but he’s my person. As with any relationship, we’ve had many lows, but we continue to love each other fiercely through it all & are each other’s best friends. 🥰

  15. Happily married here – will have been together for 37 years and will be celebrating out 29th anniversary this year. We treat each other with respect and genuinely enjoy each other’s company. We encourage each other to do things that bring us joy, whether it’s individually or together. We always runs plans by each other, especially if they are individual plans. We go for long walks and bike rides together. If we’re out and about and he sees a person struggling with something, he’ll stop what he’s doing and offer them help. I love that about him. He is great with kids, and is still super involved and supportive of our 2 young adult children. We pretty much grew up together, and I think that has a lot to do with how simpatico we are. Over the last 37 years, we have grown in the same direction. We do not look for things to fight about. If we are at odds over something, we acknowledge each other’s perspective and agree to disagree. We even both work from home – so we spend a lot of time together. I am always so sad when I read posts from people in bad marriages.

  16. I love my husband. We got married in the middle of a pandemic, combining 2 families (2 kids each) our house just had a devastating fire (everyone is fine) and we will be living in a hotel for the foreseeable future but we are still happy

  17. I adore my husband. We had a long, exhausting road trip 2 weeks ago and another one this week. There’s no one else I’d rather be trapped in the car with! We talk, listen to podcasts, sing badly to our favorite songs, share snacks, admire the view, point out cows. . . The driving itself isn’t fun, but being with him is.

  18. My husband and I are in the middle of doing finals (his undergrad, my grad) it’s a nightmare lol but we are constantly hyping each other and trying to do nice things for each other. We’ve got 3 kids so it’s chaotic right now. Should be done next week and we’re planning a celebratory date night to unwind!

    I love this sub! It can definitely be a downer though lol

  19. My husband & I are getting ready for my parents to visit this weekend. First time they’ll be seeing our new place, excited to show them around and take care of them like they always take care of us when we visit.

    In preparation for the visit, we spent an entire day cleaning and listening to music together. It was hard work but fun together and we got a lot accomplished.

  20. I adore my husband. We treat the things we do together as a team and I couldn’t have asked for a better partner. We both cook and clean together and do it in a very synchronized manner. We’re always working on how to optimize our processes and be as efficient as possible. It also helps that we both have very similar goals in life and share a lot of hobbies together. We both enhance and enrich our lives being together.

  21. Yay! We only got married 2 weeks ago but have been together almost 13 years. I love calling him husband now. We spent last night on the sofa looking at sailing dinghys and trailers and I loved it 😅

  22. My husband is so great. We moved recently and I’ve been using bumble BFF to make friends, mostly other married women who are new to the area. We’ve been meeting up with some couples and it’s just so nice. I love that my husband is so outgoing, so kind. A good listener. Fun to be around. It makes it so much easier.

  23. My husband 100% puts our family first in his life. He’s a fabulous caretaker, he takes care of so much stuff. He “gets mad” if I say that I’m going to mow for him since that’s “his job” but will not hesitate to do the dishes, make food for our children, or clean the entire house. Our sex life is out of this world amazing. Absolutely the love of my life!

  24. My wife is my best friend. We’ve been together since we were teenagers and, while our relationship has definitely had it’s ups and downs, I feel like the luckiest man in the world to have her as my wife. We have an absolutely enormous amount of fun together!

  25. In 2 weeks we’ll be celebrating our 3rd anniversary. I’ve never regretted a moment with him. 🙂

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