I 24f have been married to a 27m for almost 2 years now and sex life is pretty boring, he doesnt listen to any ideas i have or want to try something new all he does it get on top and go so i have to go along with it for the 2 minutes he is in the mood before he cums ive asked him to help me finish and all he does it get up and clean the falls asleep what are things that i should try?

  1. Oh wow. Ask him what would happen if you happen to decide not to participate in that kind of sex since he is using you as a blow up doll. I would not be polite, that is so selfish of him!

  2. Just to add on the only positions he likes is missionary and doggy, he always want me to go down on him and to jack him but when i ask the same in return it is always “i dont feel like it or im to tired” and i know know why i work full time, i come home cook and clean and have to deal with the kid along with him who just wants to sit on a game until he is tired and ready for bed, i dont understand what i am doing wrong atp.

  3. He sounds like a very selfish guy.
    I know you have tried but you need to get him to have a serious conversation about how it is affecting your life and impacting on your relationship with him.

    And I know it’s not always possible but a couples therapist could help here it could give the space for both of you to openly talk and try find a common ground.

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