My parents say I can date and get to know a guy but only when I’m accomplished and about 23. I am 21 now and this was the appropriate age to date when I was 16. They are so chill with crushes and me talking about guy I’m into but dating without accomplishing anything first is a big no no. You may think “why doesn’t she just date with out telling her parents?” They are extremely observant and I am a giant feeler so it is obvious when I’m interested in someone. I don’t even think they would be that mad if I were to start and told them but they would be disappointed? I feel like they’ll look down on me. God I think I need help. My signature line is always “oh I really like you too but I’d like for us to stay friends”. It’s easy to reject guys now but I’m worried that this person who recently came into my life may change that and I’m still 2 years away from 23 😮

1 comment
  1. This definitely reminds me of my parents 😂. I’m the same age and British with Indian decent and my parents are properly as strict as yours tbh. I think they just want to protect you and they are saying this to keep you safe but it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to listen to them. Ultimately it’s your life and you can do what you want. Normally you start taking decisions for yourself at this age but I’m not saying stop listening to your parents completely but start to make your own decisions now

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