40k age of Sigmar ec

  1. I’ve mostly played d&d and a random assortment of d6 based rpgs.

    Been thinking about making a knights army for 40k. Big stompy bots sound fun even if their lore is kinda cheesy.

  2. I wanted to get into 40k, but the barrier to entry is rather daunting.

    So I just stick with D&D.

    Almost got a World of Darkness campaign going, but the group fell apart before it could start.

  3. Does D&D count? D&D/Pathfinder

    I’m a cheap-ass. I can’t get heavily involved in any game that requires significant financial investment. I like D&D because all I really need to bring is some dice and a piece of paper or app with some stats on it.

  4. I wish more people played tabletop RPGs outside of D&D. Everytime I play 5e the combat always feels so sluggish and boring compared to other RPGs. It also gets boring playing with the same fantasy theme and class sets everytime. Savage Worlds by comparison feels so much more freeing.

    As for wargaming, I did want to get into 40k for a while with playing Adeptus Mechanicus, but my eyes get strained looking up close for too long. That’s why I prefer tabletop RPGs, I can do them remotely and don’t always have to be concentrating at the paper. I guess for now I’ll just stick with the lore.

  5. I have always loved DnD. But altough it only lasted like half a campaign. 4E had the funnest game mechanics of any table top game I have played.

    The problem was it made it very complicated for a DM because it was very complicated to calculate numbers without using a computer.

  6. Middle earth strategy battle game, probably isengard as my favourite to play.

    Also play bolt action for the British commonwealth

  7. TDE for the friend group, TDC and TDA with my partner and I try to bring either DnD or Shadowrun to the collective table.

    Edit: Friend of mine tries to bring the group into warhammer, but it seems not to click with us.

  8. Settlers of catan. I havent played in ages, but my dad used to play this a ton on his PC maybe 10 years + ago and played it with friends in the living room where they made a huge map.

  9. Sharpe Practice. And my favorite faction is the Brits of course, cause you can use Richard Sharpe!

  10. Was Warhammer fantasy battles, I had tomb kings but I wanted to start lizardmen…
    But that’s not really a thing anymore.

  11. 1e pathfinder is my bread and butter.
    I love how it ends up as rocket chess at high-level play.

  12. I play 40K and my army is death guard, the 2 deciding factors as to why I got them over anything else was 1) I really like their lore and the models 2) someone at my lgs had half a box of them for sale for $50 and my friend said that was a steal as to buy what I was getting was gonna be like $150-200

  13. 5E, if you count card games we always play dungeon mayhem between when food is ordered and when it arrives so nothing important happens when the delivery person shows up

  14. Any pnp rpg that doesn’t have a flat probability curve and that is at most 75% as rules-heavy as D&D.

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