I know its none of his business what I do with my body. But I still feel embarrassed with body hair. I am trying to get better about it by continuing not to shave. I don’t know how to feel comfortable in my own body with the way hair is meant to grow on it.

I’ve asked him and he said he doesn’t care and that if he did its incredibly mean for him to tell me and shame me for being human. He is great. I still feel weird about it. I have been shaving my lady parts since I was 12.

How to get over this feeling? Men how do you feel about pubic hair?

  1. If he says he doesn’t care, believe him, trust your fucking partner

    It’s like questioning the hair on your head

  2. It isn’t shaming for him to have a sincere opinion on the subject.

    But he has expressed an opinion and he said he didn’t care.

    It is also reasonable for a person to take their lover’s preferences into account. They don’t have to bow to those preferences, but they should at least consider them.

    I’m casually dating a woman who dislikes body hair. This is new to me, since I’m the size and shape of Hodor from Game of Thrones. Most women who would date a guy like me actually like body hair on guys. My compromise is that I trim my beard shorter than my usual look and shave my balls but not my pubis. That is new for me. I’m not simping to do that. I’m accommodating her preferences because I respect her wishes and it’s a reasonable compromise.

  3. Why do you feel the way you do? Put it into words. If he says he’s cool with it, believe him. If he’s lying to you, that’s his problem, not yours. But he’s more than likely telling you the truth.

    Me personally, I prefer shaved labia and inner thighs. Completely shaved is cool too. It’s just more athletically pleasing, I love pussy, I love seeing everything and hair just gets in the way of that. I’ve never actually been with any woman who didn’t at least have shaved labia.

    FWIW I’m bi and I feel the same way about cock and balls.

  4. I think hes means it when he says he doesn’t care. If you have no reason to think he isn’t being forthcoming, he’s telling the truth.

  5. My husband is indifferent. So I trim in the summer for the practicality of showing more skin, and pretty much let it all go in the winter. Nice variety.

  6. My biggest question here is, are YOU comfortable with it? I understand that some individuals choose not to shave, you are correct. It is totally up to personal preference for the individual person. I know I personally shave regularly because that is my personal preference for my own body. It comes across like you aren’t totally comfortable?

  7. I prefer no public hair but never stopped me from actively engaging. I view it the same as any preference you have in your dating notebook. It’s more asthetically pleasing to me and was a thing for the group I grew up with. But if he doesn’t mind, choose not to mind. You’re asking us how to control your own thoughts. Only you can do that.

  8. There is no simple answer. There are many types of pubic hair. I prefer it shaved in most cases but blond and ginger hair is so pretty that it is a pity to shave it. Some pubic hair lies flat against the skin. Most, I expect, is curly and bushy, which I don’t find attractive.

    It’s more pleasant to give oral when there is no hair.

  9. Why did you stop?
    I myself am disgusted from women with hair in the bikini zone, the legs and the axles. I think a woman who let grow hair doesn’t even like to take care of herself, how could she possibly take care of my needs.

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