Previous post:

There’s a lot of information in my comments on the original post, you can check my profile & go from there if you’re curious because this was a throwaway. I’m going to try to keep this short because it’s 04:58 and my eyes are currently pulling themselves shut

There was a more distant friend that I brought along with me sometimes, with permission from the group. I was his connection to the group, because I had been sort of distant friends with him for years before he met this group. He’s a little awkward but we liked to give him a chance and include him as we would anyone else.

So I guess unbeknownst to me he really pissed off the one person in the group who happened to have the most social pull, by sipping from said friend’s drink at the bowling alley’s bar without asking for permission. I heard a minor 30 second squabble happen at that time, but I try not to involve myself in drama so I tend to just zone out my surroundings when things happen. Drink-sipper friend mentioned to me this later that he had pissed off friend #1. I asked him to apologize, but I never thought to include this squabble in my previous post because it literally had nothing to do with me.

Friend #1 told me that the had been taking it out on me literally just because I was the reason that drink-sipper friend was there in the first place. I’m kind of annoyed about this. I accepted his apology for now but I don’t think I see myself as that close to that group anymore if they’re willing to pull childish shit like this over something that doesn’t even involve me, and then not communicate for 3 days. The rest of the group just went along with him, apparently. I’m kind of pissed at everyone involved, including drink-sipper friend, to be honest.

(The above events all happened at the bowling alley the night before I got excluded, when the group went to the bowling alley the second time.)

Oh yeah and the friend who the day after the exclusion event said “keep being yourself, but you’re annoying sometimes” – she asked me for drinks just hours later, but I refused because I was still irritated at the lack of communication. I haven’t asked about it again because now we are on decent terms, but I’m assuming she probably does in fact think that way, just wasn’t really able to act on it until the friend with the social pull gave her an opportunity to do so. Fine by me, I don’t care.

Regardless, even though I received an apology from social pull friend, the fact that this happened in the first place has motivated me to gradually distance myself from all of them. I’m not interested in dealing with this childish behavior again, nor with people who will just follow along a plan like this because of one persons social pull and not stick up for me when I’m not around.

The vibes on my original post were amazing. Thanks so much for the messages and comments, you guys blew away the wildest expectations I could’ve possibly had. I’ll do my best to pay it forward here and offer my support to some other posts on here. It’s the least I can do.

(Did I say at the beginning this was meant to be short? Whoops)

  1. Thanks for the update op! I’m glad you found the root cause and that you KNOW you deserve better friends.

    You’ll be alright and will find your good people.

    Remember – friends are the family we choose. Treat them as such and make sure you are treated with the same love, compassion and respect you give.

  2. He made that much of a deal that this person took a SIP of his drink? Fair enough if he drank the lot of took a big gulp but he sounds like he’s being insufferrably dramatic over the situation.

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