Almost 5 years ago I got into an argument with someone I didn’t care about at all and wasn’t talking to just because they hid their stories on Instagram from me. I realize that I should not have cared at all, but back then no matter who it was I would have gotten upset at them for specifically hiding their Instagram stories from me and would have caused a big argument with them.

My wife asked me if a random guy on the street were to hide their Instagram stories from me today and I somehow found out they were hiding their stories from me, would I get upset?

I was brutally honest with her and told her yes, that it would depend on a lot of different factors, but that depending on the circumstances I would still get upset, but I wouldn’t have reacted like how I did in the past. Now she doesn’t believe me at all, saying I’m a liar.

She is saying that I’m trying to minimize what I did back then by saying I would still be upset at any random person now, trying to insinuate that I cared about the person I got into an argument with when I didn’t.

The reality is, I think the best answer that I wish I could honestly answer is that no matter what, absolutely no matter what, if some random person were to hide their Instagram stories from me, I would not be upset at all. That only in the past I would be upset but now not anymore. But, I know that depending on circumstances I still could get upset. So I told her the truth.

To make things more complicated, she showed me a random group chat I was in, asking me if I would have cared if any of them hid their stories or blocked me, and I told her no. I’m kinda confused at myself why I would be upset about the random guy on the street and not the random internet group chat. (And I’m not even saying that I would universally get mad at any random person on the street, but I’m saying that depending on circumstances I still would be).

I don’t think that is a good thing AT ALL, but I thought it was better to tell the truth than lie to her, and because I told her the truth, she believes my answer is a lie.

To a lot of people reading this, they are going to be thinking this is something little, but in response, I’ll say that if I’m willing to lie on little things I’m willing to lie on big things, and I’m not willing to lie to her. but she thinks I’m lying. Also I don’t see this as little.

I don’t know what to do to convince her I’m telling the truth when I actually am telling the truth. But she won’t even speak to me.

TL;DR My wife doesn’t believe me when I’m actually telling the truth, and I don’t know how to convince her I’m telling the truth.

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