I’m a guy who unfortunately is currently obese. I’ve always been overweight but have gained a large amount of weight in a short time so I’ve developed a lot of stretch marks. I am covered in them, and they make me feel terrible.

Unfortunately, even if I lose the weight I’ll still have the stretch marks. I’ve permanently damaged my body and there’s nothing I can do about it. What I’m worried about is my future sex life. I’ve never had sex, so no one has seen me naked since I’ve developed the scars. I’m worried they’ll be a massive turn-off as soon as a girl sees them. I’m already super anxious about my virginity, and this certainly doesn’t help.

So are stretch marks on a guy a turn-off for you? Is this even something I should be worried about?

  1. Nah. The human body changes. Only someone extremely superficial would care imo. And certainly not someone you have developed a strong emotional connection with.

    The majority or women, regardless of their size, likely have stretch marks as well as they are quite common when going through puberty.

    I suspect that men on the other hand, in Herero relationships, would be less understanding.. just my guess.

  2. Both my husband and son have stretch marks in their back from growing so fast in puberty as they both around 6’2. They have faded to white/silver. They’re not as uncommon on men as you may think. I am sure it’s just like everything else body wise, some people don’t care and some people do. But like most body features, if someone finds you sexually attractive stretch marks won’t bother them. My husband has stretch marks and I don’t and I had 3 kids !

  3. I do not know about other women but I personally could care less and find it quite hot knowing somoene has lot weight.

  4. 37F here. Maybe it’s the wisdom that comes with age but when I am with a man, I love seeing every part of him. Scars, freckles, and even stretch marks. My body is nowhere near perfect and like you, I’ve always gained weight and developed stretch marks. We’re in these meat suits for our entire lives and I plan to appreciate the scuffs, dings, and marks that come along with life and age. I personally love a man’s body that isn’t perfect. It makes me feel more comfortable in my skin as well, and when you’re more comfortable, the sex is that much better.

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