So there’s someone at work I really like and considered a good friend for two years. I thought we were really close. Used to synchronize breaks together, chat a lot, went to lunch several times, even went camping together twice. Recently she confided in me about something bothering her in her life and I was supportive and helped her gain the strength to do something about it. She cried on my shoulder and said she was so grateful for my friendship.

But now it’s been almost two months since then and she only seems to want to hang out with other people. Doesn’t respond to my messages. Never wants to hang out together at work, unless her other better friends aren’t available. She always has an excuse not to hang out with me and keeps saying “I’ll call you when x happens,” or”I’ll hang out with you on this day,” or”I’ll let you know when I’m free” and then nothing happens.

I think I am done reaching out. Apart from being polite to her when I am forced to encounter her at work, I am not trying to talk to her or be friends anymore.

It feels freeing.

On the other hand I can’t help but feel lonely and wonder what I did to make her ghost me so hard. This isn’t the first time this has happened to me.

How do you handle it when someone just drops you as a friend?

  1. Going through something similar, a good friend of 1.5 years blocked me. He probably felt it was one sided tho, he texts a lot(paragraphs) and i dont. Thats the only way we communicate other than the occasional hangout when he comes to the city. I thought everything was good and chill up until the block but i guess not.

    To move on: See it at its face value, the person did not want you in their life, and they saw that removing you would be the best option. If they wanted to work things out so the friendship thrives, they would’ve reached out.

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