I recently found out I have HSV1 (cold sores/oral herpes) I think I have decided to tell future partners about it just to be safe despite the fact that it is so common. But my question is do I need to stop sharing food and drink with friends to prevent the spread? What if I’m not having an outbreak? Can I still share my buddy’s cigarette?

  1. HSV-1 is one of *the* most commonly transmitted viruses in the world. Most people, on the planet, will eventually get it.

    If you’re having an outbreak, avoid physical contact. But I don’t think one needs to disclose oral herpes ahead of time.

  2. As an Esthetician who has to be scrupulously clean by law while performing personal services (facials, waxing, body wraps etc.) YES you should definitely not share while having an outbreak, also don’t have any skin services as that can aggregate the herpes/cold sores and make them worse.

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