What is the most disturbing case history you’ve heard of recently?

  1. I’m not usually concerned with crimes in the news media….but

    Is anyone else absolutely sickened by the case of Lucy Letby in the media? WTF a woman intentionally injecting air bubbles into a newborn baby’s IV, overfeeding them to make their stomachs burst and sticking tubes down their throats? Injecting them with insulin so that they die of insulin shock…what kind of sick woman would do this? It hurts to think about what this crazy lady was capable of to innocent newborn babies…

  2. I don’t recall any names on the case. But heard of a convicted child rapist that the victim herself actively said he was not the one who did it. But the court refused to let her testify. Its disturbing because I know what happens to real child rapist in prison.

  3. I watched a video that talked about a lady who’d killed her boyfriend and dismembered him but kept the head in a bucket then showed the interview between her and like a detective or something and it was disturbing as hell hearing her describe what she did and that she got joy out of it

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