I need help. I love my husband and my son but husband and I are not on the same page with where to live. We’re in Rhode Island now while our son is little to be near family support but we don’t see ourselves here long term. We met while interning down in Florida. That is where we fell in love, got married and spent our first 7 years together before moving to have help with baby. Husband wants to move to Vermont of all places because he likes how quiet it is. I realllllly want to move back to Florida. We’ve been away for 2 years now and even though I try to move past my feeelings I can’t. Every single day I miss Florida. I miss the sunshine. Today was my first day off in a very long time. I was excited to get outside maybe even drive further out to a beach. But of course it’s super gray and rainy. This new england weather is not it. I’m not happy when winter is 9 months. I’ve tried sunlamps and therapy and affirmations but frankly I need to be where it’s sunny. Husband does not understand and refuses to. He wants change not going back to where we were. With a baby in the mix it’s even more complicated. I love him and tell myself to suck it up for our relationship’s sake but it’s so hard I’m so depressed. I can’t picture myself ever leaving him and don’t even know how I’d do that. Financially I’d have to live with roommates if I moved back to FL on my own and I don’t think I’d be happy leaving my husband plus what kind of life would I be giving my son? What can I do? I play the lottery it hopes that money will fix things and give us options but I never win and that’s not a good strategy. What else can I do? I can’t convince my husband no matter how much I try so it feels like I’m either stuck being miserable, I break up with him and take my son with me but that seems wrong, or I try to make more money somehow so I can buy a place in FL. I do work and have a decent job but I don’t save enough for my dreams to come true. Any advice to make this work?

  1. Personally, I get missing the sunshine and all, but with the way Florida is going I think it’s prudent to stay away. Insurance rates down there are going through the roof, and the governor is passing laws that are disrupting the economy pretty badly. Hurricanes are set to be even worse moving forward as well.

    Just my two cents.

  2. You make it sound like Florida is the only option if you want/need sunshine. There are plenty of other states where you’ll get a lot of sunshine and could be a new start for you and your husband!

  3. I live in NM and I love all the sun! But it’s high desert, so we have a full 4 seasons. But it’s not gray. Even in winter when we have snow, and the winter lasts only 3-4 months. We have mountains, and beautiful fall with changing colors. It’s a low population state and I have hiking trails all to myself. Also no mosquitoes. I moved from minnesota cause my mental health couldn’t take it anymore. Gray, 9 month winters, and humidity in the summer almost did me in. This could be a good compromise

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