For me: Explaining to my nephew what a cassette is and hearing him call headphones “wired air pods”

  1. While my wife was in medical school a friend of her’s asked about a scar I had on my nose. I told her I got it because I had chicken pox. She was shocked because none of her friends had it, only older folks. They’re all vaccinated for it.

    Our age difference? 5 years.

  2. Discussing the rise of phone-based social media with my cousin, about 10 years younger than I. She didn’t understand how we shared our lives with each other before we could just post about it on our phones.

    The same conversation led to the art of using landlines to call, finding out someone is over so-and-so’s house, and not knowing their number but just showing up.

  3. An apprentice heard a song come on the radio that I remember like it was yesterday from my 20s

    They said “I don’t mind some of this old shit”

  4. My kid was telling me about how she went to a concert and everyone had led bracelets that synced with the music to hold up. I told her about how we used to hold up lighters and that we all had lighters because we could smoke during the concert.

  5. Showed my daughter a basic calculator (not even scientific) I had for 25 years and she was like “So… can it do anything else?”

  6. While still in the military a few years back, we were all talking about what kind of music we each liked. One of the younger troops responded with classic rock. When pressed further on precisely which bands, he threw out Green Day. Green Day is classic rock…..

    It is that exact moment that I began to feel old.

  7. My niece (10) asked me what a CD player was when I told her about how we used to listen to music, back in my day (yes back in MY DAY)

  8. 20th anniversary of 9/11 we were doing the where were you when it happened at work.

    Most of my colleagues said K-12, or Primary School where I come from.

  9. I’m in my forties, and I do ecom and IT work for a lot of small, local businesses. Lots of time there are “kids” in their twenties working retail positions or whatever, and if we get to chatting at all, sometimes I’ll find they have no idea who Pee-wee is, or like one day I overheard a couple of them talking about playing Tetris like it was some obscure, hard-to-find game.

    Also, a couple years back I still had my pickup truck, I think it was an ’04 or something, but it had a manual window crank, and one of my son’s friends gets into the car and is like WTF is this for?

  10. 1) I was only late-twenties when I first said to a colleague “when I was your age…”

    2) More recently, I was listening to some of the rock and grunge music I grew up with in the 90s, and Spotify recommended a playlist called *”Back In The Day”*. I immediately turned to stone, imploded and crumbled to dust.

  11. When I looked at my iPhone and couldn’t find the phone app. For a few minutes I didn’t know how to make a phone call with my phone. I was convinced that a recent update had removed the calling feature and I was pissed. I had put the app in a Utilities group a year ago and forgot. Haven’t made a single traditional phone call since.

  12. I was talking with a young lady that didn’t realize that Coldplay had actually released albums prior to X&Y

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