There’s someone who I’ve been thinking about message probably for over a year now, and I really want to, but I have no idea how. They’re open to messages, seem friendly, and we’ve shared ideas through reblogs (Tumblr), it’s just… They’re a very cool person imo. I always enjoy seeing new posts from them, because they always have something interesting or insightful to say. It was because of them that I ended up playing a game that has fundamentally changed how I see things, and will forever hold a special place in my heart. And they have thought-provoking takes on characters I love, which is sometimes invaluable.

And so I don’t know what to do. I feel like they’re better than me in every way, which doesn’t help, but I also have a precedent of not being any good at texting, or talking in general… I can talk a lot about very specific things, or not at all, pretty much. But usually around people I don’t know, I just completely clam up, and small talk is absolutely impossible for me.

So I don’t know how to try to start to get to know them. Saying, “Hey, you seem really cool and have so many interesting thoughts, and I’d like to get to know you,” both sounds off, and doesn’t start any conversations, but it’s all I can come up with. I seriously don’t know what to do… I don’t want to say something wrong and never be able to talk to them again.

If anyone has experience with this sort of thing, would you mind sharing what has worked for you?

1 comment
  1. It really helps if you have something to ask, even if it’s trivial. It can be about the games you both play or any shared interest. For example, “Hey! nice to meet you, I’ve been following you for a long time and noticed you play game X. Can I know where could you get A/B/C (or) where did you learn how to do X/Y/Z (or) what do you think about this character/event/story?” and then you can expand from there. People usually are really open to helping others, let alone if you have interacted with them before. Good luck!

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