My relationship just ended a few month ago and reflecting on it, its my fault, I am not confrontationnal, and I keep all my problem for myself and act a bit childish instead of talking…


like when she didnt do dishes for a month, i started to only do my own dishes and let her on the counter and didnt say anything…this is childish…how do i learn to communicate better?


like she was taking too much weed whenever one of her friend was coming over, but I never managed to talk to her about it that it bothered me…


she was throwing all her cloth in the corner of a room for a while (her father got cancer) so I got it slide to giver her a break…. but after 3month of it…. I should had said I was getting tired of this…


basically, all those little things started to make me resent her and feel like she was just annoying…


but ultimately I loved her and still do, I just wish I had the courage to speak up and try to fish my relationship instead of just letting it slip away and give up on us.


so basically, is there a book you guys recommend to me that would help me get better at this?

the next person I love that deeply, I don’t wanna ruin it like a child


I am a 31yo male.


  1. There are plenty of books for that matter and they are honestly not just helpful in a romantic relationship, but also in every day life even with strangers.
    Im horrible at remembering names or authors and sell the books once I read them, but one that comes to mind that is especially helpful and good got a name like ” Violentfree communication” or ” unagressiv communication”.

    It is less about abusive or toxic relationships as the name might imply, but rather about how to communicate without starting fights and how you initiate talks about difficult topics.
    It is not aimed just at couples, but also communication to your parents, coworkers, your boss and so on.

    Reading them and have those things in the back of your head will definetly help you to communicate better, more openly and in all less toxic, even when you are not a toxic person to begin with. =]

  2. There’s a lot to learn from reading your post. I can recommend you some YouTubers to watch and I will say the more videos you watch the more you will learn what to do in xyz situation 1. Anthonyspade reactions 2. Ask an older man 3. Black Filipino tv 4. Legion of men 5. Living life of abundance 6. Mj get right 7. Fbe capital 8. Modern life dating 9. ReplicantPhish 10. Manosphere highlights daily 11. Taylor the fiend 12. Tribe report 14. The celebrity junk 15. Oshay duke Jackson

    The funniest youtuber here is living life of abundance so have your popcorn ready. If you want to go deep check out mj get right and Anthonyspade reaction videos from two years ago and everyone else brings a unique flavor in teaching you about the dating scene with women

    You have a lot to learn. Make a playlist of things to watch or listen to while on the road.

    Take a break for 2 months until you learn some new knowledge

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