I have someone in my work life who I have to give my undivided attention too (trying not to give too many details) for 1 hour per week and then occasionally more time here and there. She will not stop talking. Ever. Like doesn’t take a breath. She talks AT ME. It’s ALWAYS negative and I kid you not that sometimes she works herself up so much when she’s talking that she has made herself cry. Mind you I littlerally only say one word answers 90% of the time. This woman can carry on an entire 60 minute rant completely by herself. Often she tries to push it past the hour mark.

I have to be polite and it is paramount that we keep our relationship in tact.

How would you get her to stop??? Phone calls go on for what seems like an eternity. I’ve tried scheduling other meetings right after just to get away from her and always end up late.

It littlerally makes my heart race because I feel trapped every time I’m with her and I dread anything that has to do with her.

  1. >Mind you I littlerally only say one word answers 90% of the time.

    This is why you’re in this unfortunate position. People like her are so happy to find people like you, so they can have a compliant audience to the pointless useless stream of thoughts their anxious minds are generating.

    Two options.
    1. Take charge of the communication and actively interrupt her all the time with your own rambling. You’ll have to drop all that “courteous” stuff you’re doing and just be as abnoxious as she is. She’ll lose interest in you, when she can’t be the center of attention anymore.
    2. Tell her “Hey, Stacey, you talk a lot. I can’t focus/do my work. Please, be quiet.” You’ll just have to say it, no matter how terrifying it feels. She won’t like to hear it and she won’t like you for it. But she’ll shut up. You may have to use that line several times, before it sticks.

  2. Just sounds like a “nice guy” problem, probably your best option is when you need to go to those meetings is to cut her off; tell her you’ve got to go, and walk away as she’s talking at you.

    I have a cleaning lady that does this every chance she gets, the key is to be polite but only in PASSING. If she raises a stink about it to a boss and complains, explain the situation. Otherwise she will likely eventually stop or confront you. But frankly that’s not your problem, also turn down her calls unless directly related to work.

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