What was the biggest lie you were told about women?

  1. That they don’t poop.

    Guys, they poop. A. LOT.

    I wish I was making this shit up.

  2. They’re impossible to please. Both in bed and outside of. The fuck they are. Give a little shit about your tongue game and bring home Starbucks randomly and you’re about to get jumped and have to fend her off with a broom.

  3. They are better communicators.

    That they are more romantic and love deeply.

    Both are so far from the truth, it’s funny..

  4. that women never think about, care about, want, enjoy, think about…sex.

    I was taught that all women are pure minded and sex is this vile abominable and evil demand that men forced on women.

  5. They make your life better.
    Not all women !
    A lot of them are a pain to deal with !

  6. That they mature faster, and that they’re more emotionally intelligent.

    Communicating more doesn’t make one more emotionally intelligent, turns out.

  7. That they can’t rape men. They sure can and frequently do, it’s just extremely underreported.

  8. Women are the peaceful ones, and men are the angry, confrontational ones.

    Every relationship the girl would want me to fight, or get into arguments on their behalf over little things.

  9. My mom told me they can lay eggs. Apparently what she meant was ovulating. I thought fr that women laid small eggs until I was 13 🧍🏻

  10. If a woman cheats on you, it’s because of something you did wrong, you weren’t good enough in some way, you didn’t fulfill her needs…

    Nah if you’re failing they break up with you, if they cheat on you it’s because they suck.

  11. That they’re cleaner/tidier.

    I’ve had a few roommates over the years, most were men. At one point I lived with two women. That was by far the grossest place I’ve ever lived.

  12. That there are single, hot women in my area looking to meet me NOW.

    Thank you, Internet ad. Very cool.

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