Hi everyone!

I F26 has been dating my boyfriend M30 for 6 months now. We met through hinge and have a pretty good relationship so far.

However, There are a few things that I struggle with though in my mind.

Sometimes, I feel like we don’t have a deep deep connection. Trust me I love him. He is a great guy, well established but sometimes I feel like there is something missing.
For example, we have very different careers. I work in supply chain for a big consumer goods company and he is a detective/law enforcement. Half the time, it’s hard to talk about stuff that happens at work to him because he doesn’t understand. Sometimes when I tell him things, he’s very brief in his responses. We do have somethings in common like our background and family values.

Side note, I feel like I connect a lot more with like my coworkers or even other male friends (especially this group I hang out with) and sometimes I think wow.. I wish I could have these deep convos with my boyfriend or be this loose with him.

Also, another thing, he seems to like drinking. Not like a drunk or addict or anything but when we go out, he gets like 3-5 drinks and gets tipsy while I only get one. I’m not a big drinker for like health purposes which is valid and some childhood trauma. My father is an alcoholic and was abusive towards my mom.

We are going on vacation in a few weeks and I have this paranoia that he will be drinking/drunk all the time and I won’t.. and I’ll just sit there.. I don’t want to argue or be mad on vacation.
I will have a couple of drinks and get slightly tipsy. I want to enjoy my vacation with him but I don’t want him to just always be drinking.
A friend of mine told me that I should bring these concerns up to him and that out of respect, he shouldn’t be drinking as much near me so I don’t feel left out.

I’m a firm believer that you can’t change people you either accept them or remove yourself.

Sometimes I wonder if I can bring these things up to him like for us to connect more, that I don’t want him drinking much on vacation etc…
Also, his birthday is coming up and he made this statement saying we can do whatever we want he’s gonna be drinking I’m like ummm ok. What do I represent in that?

I’m not against people who drink at all, it’s just not for me. Sometimes I wonder if I can bring these things up to him like for us to connect more, that I don’t want him drinking much on vacation etc…
Also, his birthday is coming up and he made this statement saying we can do whatever we want he’s gonna be drinking I’m like ummm ok. What do I represent in that?

I know I sound like an over thinker but I often fantasize about have a deep bond with someone, someone who is more like me.. sometimes I wonder do I keep trying or do I leave? I am happy but feel like there is something missing.

TLDR: I love my boyfriend, but feel like something is missing and we don’t have much in common at times.

1 comment
  1. I married the guy who was great in some ways but who I didn’t have a deep bond with. Who I couldn’t really talk with and who I felt there was something missing with. It didn’t end well. (Also, drinking is often a dealbreaker for people. He wants to drink his way. You don’t like that. Unless he voluntarily decides to drink less. this will be a continued source of conflict for you?)

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