As the title suggests a girl introduced me to herself a few months back as I spoke with her brother

What does this mean? can’t tell if she has interest in me or is just being nice

  1. Most likely nice but take it as a win. means your approachable. you’re doing something right for sure. Ie ive been approached many times and its mostly due to being approachable and looking nice.

  2. You gave very limited information. It could mean a ton of things. Maybe she was being polite, trying to network, curious about who her bro knows, thought you could be a potential new friend, maybe she thought you were cute, etc. Maybe she is very social and introduces herself to everyone. Or maybe not. And so on. Really hard to say but if she came to you that is pretty cool IMO, means people can approach you.

  3. Brooo she just introduced herself. Stop reading too much into this.

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