Well as the title says I always feel extreme anxiety after a social interaction. About 10 mins ago, I seen a guy from my building and we had a great convo. I remembered his name cause I make that a thing to always remember somebody’s name when I meet them. We say bye to each other and I just feel overwhelmed with anxiety. It doesn’t happen during the exchange but after. And I’m stuck just thinking and feeling worried although we had a good talk. In general I would say I am a introvert but I have no problem making small talk and recalling information from previous conversations. I practice mindfulness and speak calmly not to create awkwardness when speaking with someone. Any ideas to why this happens?

1 comment
  1. Perhaps you’re worried if you presented yourself well or said something stupid. In case it’s the latter, everyone says stupid things in conversation. The key is that unless you said something insulting, the other person will usually just gloss over and forget the stupid things. It’s as if they never happened. On the other hand, maybe you’re just high from having a great convo. I’ve felt that way.

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