Me (F21) and my partner (M22) were meant to be going on holiday but he is going to cancel it!!

Me and my partner got into a row not long ago, we are due to go on holiday in a few days and he has said he will cancel the holiday. It is too late to get a refund and I said to him I still want to go whether that is with him or not. He is the lead passenger on jet2 so he has the control. I wanted to go on this holiday either way, and I am now worried I have wasted £900.
I have tried speaking to him and said that I want to go considering I paid for my half of the holiday, but he has said he doesn’t want to go so he will be cancelling. How is this fair, I understand he is the lead passenger and can cancel the holiday but I will lose out on my money that I saved up for.

  1. if there is small claims court in your country, I would sue him for it.

    You paid your share. Do you have proof of that, and what the payment was for?

    Though even if you don’t get the money back, it’s a good thing the relationship blew up before you were stuck with him on a plane home. It’s a relatively small price for freedom.

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