Men who have been ‘cock blocked’, what happened?

  1. I went to get laid and when I tried to put my cock in the hole my buddy pulled his out and blocked it

  2. Had a girl in my bed one time in college and my roommate burst into the room took two steps and projectile vomited on the floor…

  3. Twice. Once I was about to score but she shot up just a little too much heroin and passed out on the toilet. Then a year or so later I was gonna get with this chick at my place but when I went to take a whizz she stole all my ecstasy and ran out the fire escape.

    Oh, and one time I passed out during foreplay. Oh, and there was the time the Albany Police interrupted a three-way in the back of my homies Toyota Tercel.

    Do those count?

  4. My friend tells me this every time I have grapes to offer when we hang out.

    We were at a sex party together. People were having sex around us. I went to get grapes for the group downstairs. When I came upstairs I went and offered every one grapes. At this very moment he was about to put his dick In a woman. So of course he stops , she stops and accepts some grapes. Then whatever happened she gets up or he loses his hard on. So he didn’t have sex with her. He reminds me this every time we eat grapes together.

    I am the grape giving cock blocker forever

  5. Once I was about to do the thing with my partner, I went in for a kiss and out of nowhere let out a nasty burp. It completely killed her sex drive and she told me she was going to bed. I did it to myself. She was pretty kind about it afterwards and comforted me because I felt horrible

  6. I got cock blocked by my dad’s concealed carry permit once.

    LDR with a girl next state north of mine. Went up to see her the summer covid started to settle. At least the initial pandemic anyway. She still had her sex drive then (antidepressants later on) and we were talking about fooling around if we were able to get by ourselves since dad went up there with me.

    We couldn’t have the car to ourselves because Dad brought his Sig P938 9mm with him.

    I like guns but that is some bullshit

  7. You’re taking me all the way back, 2005. This girl was baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad, everything was going well, we’re dancing, we’re flirting, I was 23? and out of nowhere, back then we called them ‘the mother hen’ not sure what your generation calls them but she came out of nowhere like a left tackle and baam. She pushed me out of the way SCREAMING! apparently the guy she came to see that night ditched her lol

  8. Only ever been cock blocked once gf’s friend wouldn’t leave the room (it was her room though).

    I have cock blocked a bunch of dudes running interference on my brother’s slutty gf in college usually encouraging dudes to take some drugs or drink more than they can handle by questioning their masculinity until they geek or other. Probably not the best way to deal with it but how do you explain to your bro his gf is a slut when he is head over heals… didn’t work out in the long run

  9. For the sake of this story, I will give the women involved the names Beth, Angie, and Jackie.
    Beth and I had been best friends since childhood, and we were practically siblings. Would tease each other but no one else was allowed to tease us, just like brother and sister. Best friends of opposite genders who confide everything in each other but never had any interest in getting romantically involved. We had hung out the night before our close friend Angie’s wedding and she crashed in my guest room since we were going to the same place the next day anyway.
    When we get to the wedding, we are seated at the table and Beth introduced me to Angie’s friend Jackie. Jackie was a quiet, nerdy girl. Someone most people would gloss over, but just my type. I was immediately attracted to her, she had long dark hair, a cute smile, and she was wearing a dress that accentuated every curve on her body. Beth left the table to grab some drinks and mingle so I began to chat with Jackie. We really hit it off. We talked about our introverted lifestyles, interest in video games, MCU references, etc. I made her blush, I made her giggle, I really brought my A game. Just as I’m about to ask for her number, Beth and Angie come over to the table. Angie immediately sees what is going on and tries to discreetly lead Beth away but Beth does not take the hint and begins roasting me for no reason. She talks about how small my house is and jokes that my house sucks, mentions spending the night the day before and how I didn’t even have coffee in the morning. Jackie awkwardly walked away shortly after and I didn’t see her the rest of the wedding. As soon as Jackie was out of earshot I immediately told Beth “WHAT THE FUCK?!?” And Angie looked at Beth and outright told her “you cockblocked him big time dumbass”
    Somewhat happy ending though: Angie is a real one and a very pushy hard headed woman so she talked me up to Jackie big time and gave me her number the next day. We went on one date to an arcade themed bar and enjoyed drinks. Date was awesome, we beat the high score on multiple machines, but didn’t turn into a full fledged relationship as she did a fade afterward and I met someone else shortly after she went MIA. But at least I got my chance at redemption after a really bad cockblock.

  10. Went camping, friend was driving my car spent the entire time texting the girl in the back seat who I invited she jumped in the front at one stage and we made out which I later realised was because she hoped the other guy would leave her alone but he didn’t and we had got to the camp site and set up tents/swags she was sleeping in my tent and we had been flirting for a couple weeks and had pretty much made plans for that night, we started drinking and she said she was tired and went to bed extremely early which I found out was because she was sick of the other guy texting her.

    She was fast asleep when I went to bed and it didn’t feel right to wake her up for a shot at her to which she told me was a big mistake later on.

    We woke up and almost started in the morning before the guy ripped the tent open and said come on get up blah blah.

    By the time I had seen her 2 weeks later she had started to see somebody else.

    A year or two later he was set up with a girl at a wedding and he ran around chasing another girl the entire night while I stayed to talk to her realising she was much prettier than her photos and had a good personality I talked to her for a few weeks and he found out and cracked it and never wanted to talk to me again even though she hadn’t shown interest in him since the wedding.

    Oh well.

  11. I went on an unhinged rant without provocation and she stopped talking to me. I don’t blame her lmao

  12. Got dragged into a gay bar by a friend. I’m getting wayyy too much attention and the only girl at the bar comes to my rescue and I was chilling at her table with her friend who was an older lady. My friend was chilling with us on and off. They invite us for late night snacks and then to sleep at their hotel room. Well, while they were giving me the invite friend calls his grandma for a ride, and gives a location a mile away from the bar. She has no cell phone, and is driving 40 miles. I politely pass and get buddy to haul ass to the coordinates he gave grandma, he’s drunk off his ass. He got in a staring match with a crackhead and then I had to run 3 blocks to catch grandma at a red light. I guess I had a choice but the buddy system and respect for grandma’s comes first, since he even called her.

  13. I was at a community college at the time and in the library after class doing some research with a girl I had been studying with for a few weeks, we had been flirting almost the entire time we had been studying together. So we are walking to the cafeteria and sitting down at one of the tables talking, and things are getting interesting to the point she wants to see my apartment with a lot of emphasis on seeing the bedroom. Just as we are about to get up to go to my car, out pops this guy with muscular dystrophy with his hand crutches quickly headed our way. I’d seen him randomly doing to to other guys all the time on campus, but I didn’t think he’d do the same to me for some reason. Mind you, he doesn’t know either of us when he does this, so he approaches us immediately and is quickly introducing himself to this girl and is immediately trying to inject himself in our plans. What the exact fuck am I suppose to say to this guy to get him to leave us alone without getting her upset? So I say oh, “*we are just hanging out and going back to my place, see ya!*” while trying to move her along and this jackass has the audacity to ask if he can come with. I just go with my immediate reaction of “dude, I don’t know you”, and tried to walk away with the girl but then he puts on his sad face and the mother fucker starts pretending that this always happens to him because he’s handicapped. So she starts feeling a certain way about this and I just blurted out, “*I saw you do this exact same thing to 5 other guys talking to girls out here in the past few weeks, you say the exact same things and trying to use your handicap to take advantage of the girls feelings of pity to make them want to stay and talk to you. We have plans, can you just drop it and let us move on with our day?*”. He immediately says “*You’re right, have a good day*”, then walks away, leaving her looking angrily at me and saying that it was kind of rude to dismiss him like that.

    Needless to say, nothing ever happened with her and my friends had similar issues with him. He would do the same kind of stuff to hang out with people too, and it happened to my friends at some point when they were going to their car and he manipulated his way into getting a ride home. My best friend was there and apparently he couldn’t stop laughing the entire time on the way home because he kept imagining the guy accidentally closing the door on his legs and the whole ride to his house they’d dangle and flop all over the place without him feeling it. Honestly we all laughed too when my friend told us when the guy got out of the car and left, and it’s purely because the muscular dystrophy guy was a huge asshole.

  14. Mixing alcohol and weed… she was in my room, sitting on the bed, kissykissy and suddenly I was very sleepy (she used weed pretty often and she was fine), I closed my eyes ‘just for a second’ and she left.
    Stupid me.

  15. I had a small party in college. It was my first apartment and I had my first real opportunity to have that red-solo-cup, music playing, good time sort of college experience I guess. I took a leap and invited *that* girl. The one who was always in a relationship, but found herself suddenly single, and who I was dying to impress and look cool for. She accepts the invitation and I’m over the moon. We have a great night, and the entire time, the two of us are attached at the hip. We played beer pong together, danced together, I was batting 1000, and I almost couldn’t believe it. We ended up on the porch, where we had a long conversation, we were laughing, and I made my move. We were all over each other. Success. We rejoined the party, and people were starting to leave. She lingered around while the riff raff departed, and I asked if she would stay the night. She said “duh,” and I knew what was about to happen.

    A friend of a friend was hammered drunk. Literally couldn’t stand without leaning on something. I was totally cool with letting him crash on the couch, and there was zero chance I was letting him drive home. We tried talking him into an Uber, but he didn’t want to leave his car. I told him to just stay the night and sleep it off, and he refused. He wanted to drive himself home. We argued with him for like an hour. Somehow me and two other guys ended up cornering him between the steps and my apartment door. He was getting angry that we wouldn’t let him drive. He started spewing about how he would “beat everyone’s ass” if we didn’t let him leave. My friend had enough and decided to grab him, and attempt to bring him back inside. It turned into a fist fight, and the neighbors called the cops. Drunk guy and my friend were put in cuffs. Girl was sent home. I was threatened with a fine. Cops drove the drunk guy home, and let my friend go.

    Crush and I never really connected again. She ended up in a relationship a week later.

    Ahhhh college….

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