At my stag in Skegness we as a group accumulated about 1,000 but all this got was a tiny Disney Frozen towel for my daughter. Cost us about 30 quid.

Just been to one in Torquay and the main prize was a quad bike at 100,000. Got me wondering if there’s anyone out there that’s saved up a ton of tickets to get the ‘big prizes’.?

  1. Can’t remember exactly how many but it was a big group of us. We had enough to win a wide screen telly, this was in the 90s so a big deal

    Obviously 20 odd of us couldn’t split a tv so we entirely cleared the place out of sweets, drinks, small toys and shared them out later

  2. Was in an arcade in Brighton and the machine I was playing ran out of tickets. Called the attendant over and he handed me two whole batches of tickets, was around 20,000 which was enough for a kindle kids.
    Asked him why he gave us that much, he said he hated his boss and was quitting when he came back

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