17M just curious

  1. The concept of deriving financial success from “hard work” is no longer viable and hasn’t been for decades. You need hard skills that will multiply the monetary potential of your effort. Stocking shelves pays $12 an hour. Being a plumber pays an average of 30. Regardless of what you “want” for a career, you’re going to need a skill that can always keep the light on and the fridge full.

  2. This is for all teens – You, and you alone are responsible for your success or failure.

    Just males? You cannot use your full strength with a woman. It will freak them out. You are expected to be as emotionally strong as you are physically strong.

    It doesn’t matter how progressive society thinks it is… Except in very rare cases, you need to provide for your family.

  3. You have to be exceptional in some way to succeed in life and most likely you aren’t.

  4. Develop a personality and conversation skills, omg if i had being able to hold conversations at 18/19 life would have been way easier

  5. Acne wont go away. Your dick size can’t grow any more. Women have three holes down there. If you fuck up college you fuck up your life. Don’t marry a girl because she makes your pp feel good.

  6. reddit IS NOT real life.


    also busting your ass for a company will rarely payoff in the way you think. so much of success is luck, timing or nepotism.

  7. Don’t let yourself get overweight. Get fit and stay fit. Not tomorrow, not in 10 years, *now*.

  8. You are not as smart as you think you are. 22 year old you will know this, 25 year old you will know this about 17 year old you and 22 year old you, and so on….

  9. Nobody outside of your family (usually) really cares about you or your wellbeing. A lot of what seems genuine from your friends is mostly superficial. The best time of your life is being a teenager with no real responsibilities other than school. Accept the fact that you’re not going to be 100% successful at everything you do and that is OK. Do your absolute best at everything you do and don’t expect anything from your efforts; do it for yourself. Romantic relationships are great, and you never should stop treating your significant other as you would yourself. It’s going to be a constant work in progress and one you should put all of your attention to in order to make it work long term. Pay attention to your health, what you eat, exercise regularly. It can and will all go downhill quickly if you don’t. It may not seem like it right now, but you’re not going to live forever. And don’t be a dick. To anyone

  10. That the patriarchy is a real thing and it’s a bad thing. You can either choose to participate in it and make your life and the lives of women worse or you can break out of it and think for yourself.

  11. Despite what others may say, your physical attractiveness is perhaps the most important thing when it comes to how others (both men and women) treat you. It’s in your best interest to look as handsome as your genetics will allow. It’s not fair, but it’s how it is

  12. There will be many things against you that are not in your control. Some people are just born with luck, and you might not be. Nonetheless, you can still focus on what’s in your control and be smart and diligent about it. Doing that will get you far despite what life throws at you.

    I have met some men – good looking, smart, and having a lot of potential who squander their lives and waste what God have them.

    I also have met men born with nothing, but have made something of their lives and are happy.

    Again, focus on what’s in your control and don’t expect everything to go your way unless you’re putting the odds in your favor.

  13. Nobody is coming to save you. Whatever you want in this life, go after it by any means.

  14. There are no dragons.

    There are no final bosses or biggest moments or masked figures in dark cloaks whom you slay and then everything goes right and it’s happily ever after.

    Life is a million small battles in a war of attrition with a shitty world and losing one will set you back further than winning a hundred moved you forward.

    And then you die.

    Life would be simpler if there was a dragon to slay, but sadly, that is not our story


    The friendzone is somewhere you put yourself when you’re either unwilling or afraid to be honest about your feelings, or unwilling to take no for an answer.

    Have the confidence to be up front about what you want and the respect to take whatever answer she gives, and you’ll never end up there

  15. I (27) know this is long but bear with me on this I literally started out with donation clothes on my back on the streets and am now doing well with money in my pocket and an amazingly emotionally intelligent wife.

    FIRST Financially, second personal advice.

    We live in a fucked up world that is unfortunately looking more and more grim due to economic, and environmental changes, and you must fend for yourself.

    If you are mechanically inclined I highly suggest getting into mobile RV and Yacht repair, if you study and really work at it you can own a business by 21 and start making $150-$220/hr for about 20-30 hrs per week, plus 10-15 hrs of paper work. Equating to 50ish hours of work per week, if you Study business legal structuring and tax strategy you can make upwards of 200k+/year, like I am at 27 in San Diego, I started the business at 21 after working at a dealership for a year, with just Chevy Volt with a Drill, a set mechanics tools and a multimeter and a business insurance policy.

    Also a more personal side of things

    Do you best to share love to everything and everyone no matter race, religion, or sexuality around you.

    Don’t fall into the Democrat or republican politics, neither party is here to protect your rights.

    Watch Oliver Stones docuseries “Untold history of the United States” to get a better context of the world than the education system can deliver. It can deliver some serious harsh truths about the world leading up to the one you are currently living in.

    As you grow older, trust those younger than you to take initiative in bettering the world and assist in their journey, Hopefully they are gonna out live your dumb ass.

    The only drugs you should ever do in moderation are Marijuana and miniscule doses of mushrooms, I’ve tried all the rest and frankly they are NOT worth the damage to your health or money you spend on them.

    In finding a partner, the most important thing is finding a person who can communicate, compromise, and work with you on setting goals to make both of your lives easier and easier. If you don’t make this a priority, then you will end up in extreme emotional distress. (Even trying your hardest at this will sometimes leave you broken hearted.)

    Work out atleast 3 days a week and make sure to study macro and micro nutrients if you don’t wanna die from obesity related diseases, 70% of US adults are obese and complain about it while they do nothing to help themselves and let other people starve.

    Respect women more than you respect men in my experience they are more often right.

    You’ll be lucky to live to 50 unless you help to revolt against climate killing corporations.

    Black Rock and Vangaurd are the two largest asset management firms in the world and they have majority control in most companies that you can name.

    Never trust that there is justified reason for those in power to start a war. I suggest reading into the terms Class Consiousness and Manufactured Consent to see where that takes you.

    I wish you the best of luck!

  16. You are a human and the world is getting less and less human. Your purpose is dying. Your reason to be is fading.

  17. No matter what inspirational posts on FB, Reddit, IG, tells you, your worth as a human IS OFTEN determined by your income, status, and ability to captivate people with your confidence. I’m not saying it’s right. I’m not saying I totally agree with it. But it’s just how the world works. Tough shit. What I would recommend, from what I wish I started doing younger, is first get in shape. Being in good shape just makes life easier. Being fat and unhealthy is a chore you just don’t want/need. I know Reddit is gonna jump down my throat for being fatphobic but I do not care. Try and not be fat.

    Second, read a lot. And then read more. Study books on investing. Learn what a 401K is, learn how assets work, learn how to not just save money, but make passive income if possible. And lastly, read how to make yourself more confident. The better you can control a conversation, the better your ability to get what you desire out of life. Words are magic. There’s a reason they call it “spelling”. You have the ability to cast spells with your words if you truly learn how to say the right things about yourself. Self confidence is like magic. Your word is your bond as a man. The world is a very harsh place and no one is coming to save you. You have to do it yourself.

  18. You’re just a number at any job. Don’t think if you work hard they’ll look after you. Only you can look after you.

  19. Life goes by quick. Don’t think; I’ll do this tomorrow. Before you know, tomorrow is 10 years later.

  20. Bills.
    They never end, get used to paying them, get ahead of them, and prepare for a 6 month buffer of bill $$ in case you don’t have work.

  21. you are not the center of the universe, you are not the main character.

    live life understanding that not everyone is your friend. only you shape your future.

  22. No one cares if you have a good job qualifications, there’s always someone more skilled so make sure your ass makes good connections those connections are the only way you’ll succeed in life I’m 28 and almost had no hope but thank God I made valuable connections throughout my 20s and they’re the reason why I succeeded now and entered nursing school otherwise I’d be a bum

  23. Nobody owes you anything, you’re not special, and neither high school or college are the best years of your life.

  24. You’ll develop drug or alcohol habits to cope with the physical pain that is working your ass off for blue color wages.

    By 35, you won’t want to move sober because your back, knees, hands, and all your joints will hurt. This is why America had always had alcohol problems and the rise in legalized weed.

  25. Things you WILL be judged on

    1) salary

    2) how well you use tools

    3) how you defend yourself physically

    4) how you hang your Christmas lights

    5) your physique

  26. Learn to fight. This is an essential life skill. Don’t go out looking to start shit, but have the skills to finish it. Take a boxing class, learn BJJ, or teakwondo. This is a tool every man needs to have. Thinking it like a tire iron in your car. It is better to have it and never need it than to need it and not have it. Anyone insinuating violence towards you will almost certainly back down when you can demonstrate that you are competent in a fight.

    The other side benefit is these classes are fantastic exercise and a lot of fun.

  27. You’ll always look back at your younger self and realise how stupid you were. That’s a good thing, it means you’ve grown and are smarter now. Stay humble.

  28. People keep telling you how “life isn’t fair” you don’t fully understand that one until you are out on your own and no longer living with your parents.

    The faster you can come to terms with this, the quicker you will be able to become a functioning member of society.

  29. Suck it up buttercup, no one in society cares about you and are surprisingly ok if you die. You need to figure it out yourself.

  30. People give a shit about you right now because you’re a kid. You’re still in the stage of life where people see you as pure and full of potential and ready to be molded and guided into adulthood. Pretty soon, that will change. You’ll be a grown man, people will see you more as a potential threat than anything else, and no one will go out of their way to help you. You’ll be on your own. With the exception of your close friends and family if you’re lucky.

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