I’m a gay guy. I met this girl last year and we clicked instantly, we quickly became best friends and we talked to each other everyday. We went through a lot together and I was so happy this past year as I felt like I finally met someone that I can connect with on a deeper level.

A few months ago, we were chatting and she told me that she had a crush on me before I came out to her, we talked and even laughed about it.

Everything was very normal afterwards, we continued to have great times with each other until she told me few weeks ago that she realised she still has a crush on me. As usual we were transparent and talked about it and I told her it’s fine if she wanted some time apart to get over me.

We still texted everyday but up until yesterday I felt like she was trying to end our text conversation quickly. She instantly said goodnight before I could text back and went offline. This sudden change made me feel sad and perhaps a little confused, am I losing a best friend? did i do anything wrong?

anyone that could give their input is much appreciated :))

  1. You told her it’s fine if she wanted to take time apart to get over you

    It sounds like she’s slowly attempting to do that. It’s not against you. Leave it be

  2. You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s difficult to tell whether she just needs a break or is ending the friendship. For many people, it’s impossible to remain friends with someone they have a crush on because it makes the person significantly harder to get over.

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