Do people routinely apologize?

  1. Yeah, constantly. At the store if anyone comes without 3 ft of you they apologize. People at work are apologizing for minor inconveniences they really shouldn’t be apologizing for. I live in a big city though so maybe it’s a culture thing.

  2. Lol daily from my wife. The girl will apologise to a doorframe if she bumps into it.

    I have been attempting to help her break the habit for years by telling her she has nothing to apologise for; to which she always responds “I’m sorry”.

  3. Actually, I had a coworker snap at me a few days ago. He said sorry half an hour later.

  4. I received a spam call a couple of weeks ago and they left a voice mail:


    I’m sorry. You do not qualify.” *click*

    Does that count?

  5. Man Canadians are really apologetic aren’t they? Are you always that nice in other aspects?

  6. Lol Canadian here, I hear it all the time! As in multiple times per day! The amount of times I’ve had people accidentally say sorry for opening a door for me would astound you haha and I’ve done this a few times myself.

  7. I say it all the time.

    I’m sorry for saying sorry.

    I’ll pre apologize before I even offend people.

  8. If you’re talking about people I don’t know, doesn’t really happen as often anymore, but that’s a bit expected. Economy is tough for folks, layoffs and other things are happening, so random acts of kindness aren’t as prevalent but that’ll change over time

    In terms of my personal life, I’ve been really happy to see a lot of the people in my life are allowing themselves to be more vulnerable and grounded, which is leading to people being more aware of their actions and apologizing for them

    Like I had my dad apologize to me for a random time he yelled (it wasn’t out of anger); I think the times I could think back to when my dad would apologize, is probably maybe five at most in the three decades I’ve known him

    I’ve also had friends, coworkers and others being more mindful and apologizing as well for things. As I said above, while we’re all universally going through a hard time, I at least find solace that for the people close to me, they too are aware of this and we’re all trying our best to be kind to each other

  9. From: me, my wife, and the executive teams I’m on in two companies: all the time whenever anyone fucks up. Which is all the time.

    The rest of the world? No. They don’t know how to act.

  10. I’d say I hear it an appropriate amount from the people who matter to me, when they’ve done something that merits it.

  11. Never, if you work with cops, firemen, and EMS.

    All the time from Church people.

  12. Adults not apologizing is a constant horrible thing that society just fosters.

    That being said, personally, the people I talk to apologize to me…whenever they miss my calls. Other than that, couldn’t tell you.

  13. I hear apologies from children constantly for things they don’t need to apologize for.

    I very rarely hear an apology from a child when it is deserved.

  14. I just made a republican apologize to me for pretending to be a democrat, It was awesome!

  15. Pretty often now that I think about it. Where I’m from people just use it in place of “excuse me” or “pardon me”

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