Im visiting Spain and I went out with a guy twice. The second time was way more intimate, no sex happened but we did other things. I enjoyed it and thought we really hit it off. This guy knows im visiting Spain and that I will be leaving soon and I know he wanted sex and not anything serious especially bc im not a resident. After the second date he never messaged me after that so I was basically ghosted but i do wish I could see him again one last time. Would you message him even though he ghosted ? I really wanted to see him again one last time but at the same time my mind is like ‘if he wanted to he would’ so I don’t wanna humiliate myself. What would you do in this situation?

  1. Hmmm well that’s a difficult one ! Silence by his side tells it all. So I think I would just respect it and try to move forward. Time heals everything . Go out , meet new people . We don’t chase nobody sweetie . If they want us they know where to find us. I’ve done these mistakes in the past and I just got humiliated . Boys don’t like girls that chase them and seem desperate

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