My husband has mentioned this fantasy a couple times that we are separated and shouldn’t be having sex but we can’t help it. Has anyone done this before or have ideas for this kind of scenario? We’ve never roleplayed in a serious kind of way. I don’t want it to be corny or cheesy but I want to indulge him. I mean it does sound kind of hot but I feel like I need to make it more real somehow, without actually splitting up obviously.

  1. If you want to make it more real talk to each other for e.g. ignoring each other, avoiding him as much as possible and then just have sex with him to make it more realistic

  2. My suggestion. Go without sex for awhile til you are both horny. Then have a real fight about something you guys regularly fight about. Then have sex right after even tho you are pissed at each other and shouldn’t. Best rp imo is just actually doing it.

  3. Does he have any kind of role playing he enjoys? Have a suggestion for one my wife and I did.

    She pretended to be an old flame and went all out. We went separate ways in the morning and gave each other a window of time we’d be at a certain bar. I went in and sat at the bar and after a bit noticed someone pull up and sit beside me. At first didn’t even realize it was my wife. She had bought new clothes, gotten her hair done and dyed it. She never broke character which just added to the experience. We played it out all the way to renting a hotel room.

    Literally one of the hottest nights of our marriage!

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