What’s your secret to maintaining a long relationship?

  1. Communication. Alot of couples I know get very passive aggressive with each other when they are unhappy and blow up tiny problems into big ones by purposely pissing each other off to make sure they “know” they are angry

  2. Pick your battles. Your partner won’t be perfect and they’ll do things that annoy you sometimes. Don’t make everything a fight. I love my husband dearly, but he’s not perfect, and that’s OK.

  3. A mutual respect and understanding. We fight, but we don’t try and put each other down. After we cool down we make an effort to see the others point of view.

    Also we like the same people and the same dumb jokes.

  4. Self improvement, efforts and yes communication but it’s only a tiny part because without the first two communication means nothings.

  5. There is none.

    You’ll either make it work or you won’t.

    All I know is you both have to be trying. If one of you checks out it’s done.

  6. Put in effort to keep the love flowing. Later on in relationships once kids and careers all pile on top one another shit gets rough, this is what I call the make or break point. When you are both under pressure and you either fall apart and use it to weaponize yourselves towards each other or you really work at it. I’ve been with my partner 15 years now and we have three kiddos, three cats, and a pupper. We’ve been through a lot together, different jobs and losing jobs, school events functions, kids sick late nights, kids school fights, financial crap, losing our loved ones, losing our best friends, etc. A lot. But every day we choose to love each other, kiss each other, talk, and smile, and vent. Everything you want in a partner you be for your partner. This advice has made me an incredibly happy person and I like to think my partner feels the same. I wish you luck and I hope your relationship prospers

  7. we are very fluid and deeply understanding in everything we do. I don’t lose my shit if he likes a girls instagram photo or compliments a girl, and he doesn’t lose his shit when I flirt with a guest while i’m bartending. we both know we ONLY want each other, we are only *in love* with each other, but we are both very outgoing and flirty people. I trust him with my life and with our relationship. But I also don’t keep him on a 1 inch leash and bark whenever he does something “culturally inappropriate”. lots of open communication and trust is key.

    many will disagree, but this has worked for us for 4+ years

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