Hi everyone! I am going away on holiday for 4 nights with one of my best friends. Something that I have noticed is that once I’ve gotten any news/gossip out of the way, I really struggle to find other stuff to talk about? How do people find new things to talk about when you already know everything about a person, have no news to share etc? I feel like we’ll use up most of our chat on the way on the drive there, and not have much to talk about the rest of the trip 😅 obviously, you also want the conversation to be natural, not like asking pre-prepared questions.

Might be worth noting I have ASD which is probably why I struggle with/worry about this. Thanks!

  1. Hypotheticals are fun! “Which two stores would you choose to hunker down in during a zombie apocalypse and why?” “Would you do X for a million dollars?” “If you had to choose one of your senses to lose which would it be?”

  2. You could ask questions much like:

    – what’s your favorite way to start and end the day?
    – in what area in your life have you put in the most effort? And did your effort pay off?

    And also, I can tell you what NOT to talk about. Stay away from weather and sports, because those topics are used too much.

    One more tip. If you are asking questions, strike a balance between asking ?’s and offering information. When offering information, ask yourself what do people need to know. Because we don’t want to share too much information too soon (this is over sharing). All the best.

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