Women of Reddit, what’s a communication tip that has significantly improved your relationships, whether romantic, familial, or friendships?

  1. Actually say what you mean, ask for what you want, and tell people when they’ve upset you and how. Don’t expect anyone to be psychic or ‘just know’ what you want or what’s the matter.

  2. Literally just say whats in your head as if you’re explaing it to your bestie. Don’t censor, don’t filter don’t expect them to mind read or pick up hints. Just say it – seriously. Also, press them to do the same.

    I had a ex who I always dropped hint to, and make subtle suggestions to and that relationship was 2 years of trash.

    When I met my now husband I was so through with games and hints I just became blunt – called him on shit, told him what I thought, spoke my mind 100% of the time (though sometimes I would be a little more polite … like not calling him a total fking idiot for doing something dumb, instead say he was being a nut or something so I’m not an agressive ass) but 11 years later and we are the most communicative couple I know and he is my best friend in the world and vice versa, we tell each other everything all the time and its great.

  3. With my dad specially, be patient. In general, listen you learn a lot by listening and it actually means a lot to the other person to give them space to be them

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