I went to school in the 2000s, and even in my countryside secondary school it was still completely normal for a lot of people (usually the hard kids) to rap AKA spit bars,

This was the era just before smart phones, but you could still record yourself rapping over a beat, (sometimes people would make the beats themselves too), and songs would get shared over Bluetooth etc, people would give themselves names on Bebo and FB like ‘MC habadash’ and so on.

Typing this out 15 years on from school it sounds absolutely ridiculous but I promise I’m not lying, a few guys I have on social media still do it (and I must admit, some are quite talented, fuck it it worked for stormzy)

This still a thing ?

  1. Oh god yes, more than ever. Except now they also film a video for it with their mates and put it on the internet, it’s hilarious.

  2. My mate did one that was a blatant rip off of The Streets, it was rate funny, he was completely serious about it though

  3. Yeah, I see kids do it all the time in my local park in London and thankfully very infrequently on public transport.

    God I hate people who feel you absolutely must listen to their awful, awful music.

  4. Go on YouTube and type in Drill UK.

    It’s turned quite stabby since our day and they take things to heart a lot quicker, bless them.

  5. UK Garage and Grime. Looking back on it, all that bar spitting was pretty terrible.

    There was a niche UK rap genre around at the time but it wasn’t very popular. People were more likely into so solid than klashnakof, despite the latter being infinity better.

    The kids do it with drill music today, they are a lot better at it than my generation. It’s evolved. It’s more like American rap music. Artists I’ve heard of are Dave and J Hauss.

  6. I remember the last time I visited Gloucester Cathedral on a quiet day I was walking around one of the cloisters and came across a young lad recording a UK drill video with his mate filming.

    It was fucking hilarious ngl.

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