Original post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship\_advice/comments/152ckkp/cousin\_f24\_falsely\_accused\_me\_m31\_of\_sxual/](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/152ckkp/cousin_f24_falsely_accused_me_m31_of_sxual/)


It’s been a while since my last post and I can’t count the people asking me for an update. So I tought I’d post one, even though there’s not much to say. First, I’d like to get a few things out of the way:

1. Thanks all who wrote and offered support and advice. I’m sorry I couldn’t reply to all, but know that I’ve read them. Also, thanks to everyone who reached out to distract me with talks about my hobbies. I know I wasn’t very respsonsive, but I know you meant well. To the openly hostile ones, borderline threatening me to quit anti-depressants and counseling and instead accept <insert religious figure here> into my life. No.
2. Many people told me I should pursue legal action. I didn’t mention this in my first post, but I decided against that long ago for a few reasons. Best case, she would get a slap on the wrist and I wouldn’t gain much at all. I just don’t think it’s worth the legal headache. And if I somehow would end up losing, I’ll owe her legal costs.
3. A lot of people have been messaging me about the fake updates. As I wrote in an edit to my other post, there are some fake updates on Tiktok and Youtube. So if you saw something on other platforms that you didn’t read in the text below or in the post linked above, it wasn’t by me. While I don’t really care about people making fake updates, I just want everyone that read my original post that these videos are not by me. Someone even claimed they “had access” to my original post on r/relationships, which contained these “updates”. That is false.

With that cleared up, I’ll add what actually going on with my life right now.

Know that I wrote the original post in an anger and because I was completely lost on what to do. I needed a kick to the head and I got that within like the first 5-10 comments. That was really all I needed.

I’ve met my therapist. I was first scheduled for september, but she managed to move it and we’ve had two talks so far. She also read the original post and many of your comments. While she would’ve perferred me to confide in a colleague of hers, in the end she was glad you guys told me to calm down a bit and wait. She knows first hand how I can get when angry.

I wont go through everything we talked about, but it comes down to that I may respond to my parents at some point, but if I do, it wont be anytime soon. I’ve started writing everything down that I want said to my family and then my therapist and I will go through those things continuously. For those who asked, they haven’t tried to contact me further.

I WILL NOT be updating this issue anymore. Not on reddit (including DMs) or anywhere else (in case of more fake updates). Nor will I be commenting unless it’s something very important. I don’t want to be rude and I appriciate all the support, but it really is draining sometimes. I was almost glad when the moderators locked the comments on the first post.

I’d like to end by saying thanks again to all the people who’s been wishing me well and checking up on me. And for the people writing to check that I’m still alive, don’t worry. You don’t have to do that. I’m off work for a while and not by the computer much. I’m busy painting my garage.

  1. Sounds like you’re doing as well as possible and taking appropriate steps you can without reacting in anger. Good luck to you in all aspects going forward, you don’t owe anybody any explanations.

  2. I wish you a happy life, man. I know everything that happened to you is a very crappy situation, but I’m happy you’re better and going on with your life. You don’t owe them anything, and if you don’t want to, you never have to contact them again. Live your life as best you can.

  3. Glad to hear you’re back with your therapist man.

    You don’t need to give a single thought to anyone on the internet when it comes to this. Focus all of your energy on bettering your life and working through this in therapy.

    I wish you the best of luck!!

  4. Good to see you are in a better place now and waited to talk with your therapist before making any rush decision.

    Take your time and go at your own pace, you are still healing from all that happend, just remember to spend time doing things just becauses it makes you happy, like listen to your favorite music, eating your favorite meals and learn new things. Sometimes after being in ” survival. l mode” for so long is easy to forget to spend time doing things for our happiness.

    Good luck on your journey OP.

  5. I’m really glad you’re taking your time – I just wish you could get back to a place where you connect and bond with people, and enjoy life and relationships again. What’s your therapist’s prognosis regarding that?

    Edit: Honestly, after reading again how they treated you, I’d probably just block them and move on with my life – some things really are unforgivable. They should have known you better.

  6. Glad you were able to see your therapist a couple of times now. It’s a shame she gets away with lying and ruining your life.

  7. Glad you’re getting support you need. As much as a lot of us want to know how this turned out, you’ve got to do what’s best for yourself. Wishing you a happy life and the best outcome OP 🙂

  8. Wishing you all the best and sending an immense amount of healing energy your way! Thanks for the update even though you didn’t owe us anything.

  9. Yas! I’m so glad I get to read the real update. I hope things work out for you 💕

  10. No matter what you do, make sure it is the healthiest option you have. Trust your therapist, but trust your intuition as well. While I’d love to hear that you blew up several houses with dynamite, I understand… no, we all understand that you’ve been through some awful shit. Do what is best for you.

  11. All the best mate. I think taking some time to write out everything that has happened to you, ask any questions you want answered, what the repurcussions were for your cousin and any ground rules you want to enforce.

    Maybe she could have 9 years in the wilderness…

  12. My blood boils for you. That your family would do this to you. They didn’t have the decency to hear you out and investigate it. Best wishes with your life, I hope you find a wonderful wife and are off the antidepressants

  13. I wish you the best and i hope that you continue to not make any decisions that affect your current stable life. Your former family.

    Those ‘people.’

    Don’t deserve your attention anytime soon if at all, continue to live life as you have and talk to your therapist.

  14. Glad to hear OP and look after yourself.

    And I say this with the best intentions, may we never hear from you again. Have a great life.

  15. Your family hasn’t tried contacting you again in over a month? Really? I still think that your family isn’t worth being in contact with. At least now you know that you are vindicated and you can let your anger towards life in general go. Try to make some genuine friends and live your life to the fullest.

  16. Glad you’re getting help for the crap u dealt with.
    Good luck and great success

  17. I am very happy for you, I hope your life gets better… but I will say a sentence that you should always keep with you “you can forgive but never forget”.

    Take good care of yourself, always keep your guard up and as soon as you can, press charges seriously or she will ruin someone else’s future… besides, your story could have ended very badly if you weren’t so strong.

    seriously this internet stranger is so proud of you you were so strong

  18. I am glad to know that you have contacted your therapist and that you have been able to find an answer, I hope you continue to do as well as you have been doing, just one question, ¿what color are you painting your garage? ok no, just kidding

  19. I am not sure that E appreciates the level of cosmic, karmic evil she has called down upon herself, but hopefully it will land soon.

    May E get everything she really deserves, and may she be forever deprived of whatever she wants most in life. Luckily she is a really evil person, and those types usually dont end up doing well. Selah.

  20. You being busy painting your garage put a smile on my face. I wish you the best and that you can heal from this. ✨️

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