I have been thinking about this for a while and I think there is two types of competitive people.

1) people that love to compete at things. They like to walk hard and challenge themselves to get better at a skill, really wanting to win. (I feel like I’m this type).

2) people that are competing with you as a person. These people still work hard and want to improve, but they seem to want to beat someone at every aspect of life. They see anything that another has and they must compete for it. (The problem I see with this is you can only have one life, one spouse, one job, one/certain amount hobbies. You can’t take my job as a stock trader and then take my neighbors job as an electrical engineer)

I couldn’t describe why some people are fun to compete with and others just make me miserable, because I always thought that I liked competing. I think there are some people (type 2) that want to compete with you as a person, and that results in them wanting to have everything you have, which imo is impossible because we are all different people, which makes the type 2 person more miserable because they are always failing.

Idk if this is a good post for this community, but believing that there are two types of people that love competition has really helped me navigate social situations. I can now avoid the type 2s and spend more time with the type 1s, now that I believe that they are different types of people.

1 comment
  1. Type 1 here, I play pool. I don’t want to beat you at life. I want to beat you with strategy and skill.

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