We currently own a 1400 square ft home with a 10,000 sq foot lot that has an amazing backyard but no garage. The house is updated, no neighbor issues or noise and the neighborhood is just okay it is not the best but not terrible. We have lived here for 4.5 years. We have a 3 year old and two large dogs. We are comfortable here financially but we are out of space and winters are challenging.

We can’t get on the same page about whether we should move or not. Husband wants to move to a larger home he says at least 2,000 square ft in a nicer area closer to better schools. He is handy and says he doesn’t mind if it needs updates. Personally I would rather stay here and just get rid of some things rather than moving. Financially it would cost us about $1100 more a month to move on top of all of the projects that would need done on the new place. It just doesn’t excite me to not only pay more but then have to use our weekends to do tons of house projects.

Can anyone offer advice on how to compromise with this?

  1. Whew… I feel like I could have written this post myself! We have a way too small house with a great back yard, ok neighborhood, two toddlers, and a big dog. But the payment is well within our means.

    My advice is to set a hypothetical “if we move” budget and go actually start touring houses. This is how my spouse and I settled the debate. We looked at 10+ houses and realized we both agreed that we didn’t like any of them enough to pay an extra $1,500 or $2,000 per month for the privilege of living there. They looked nicer and more appealing online versus when we saw them in person.

    We weren’t on the same page at first when the move was hypothetical, but after we looked at numerous houses together we realized neither one of us wanted to spend *that much money* just to get one of the typical houses at that price point.

  2. I would spend some money to hire a professional organizer. I know that sounds super stupid, but having someone else tell you how to throw things away and organize them would be worth it. Plus, paying someone to help you prioritizes the situation. 1400 square feet is reasonable for 3 people and the 10,000 square foot lot is a dream for so many!

  3. I don’t know where you live, but the housing market where I live is insane. Sure, I could get a lot for my house. But to upgrade would cost so much more. It’s a great time to sell but it’s a terrible time to buy. So, if you were downsizing, it might make sense, since you’d be getting so much for a larger house. But I don’t think it’s a good time to upgrade.

    Moving absolutely sucks. Adding a small child to the mix and then potential projects makes it that much more of a challenge.

    I know the grass may sometimes seem greener. But it often isn’t. (That’s to your husband.) You already know what issues you have with your current home. Having good neighbors is huge! Space is a bit tight and you said there are issues in the winter. You have a solution for space. What can you do about the winter? Is it a matter of not having an up-to-date heating system? That can be a project for your husband.

    I think making a big decision such as moving has to have everyone on board. So, I’d say to stay put for now. Your child will enjoy all of that outdoor space. And your house isn’t all that small. Good luck!

  4. This is tough, because I refused to compromise on schools.

    It was always intolerable to me that I would place any kind of housing preference above the best possible environment where my kids were going to be spending basically their entire lives.

    But then again I’m a teacher/coach, so I see it all from the inside.

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