
I am 28 year old male and I have been to 3 urologists already for this problem. I am very fit and go to gym 4 times a week for over a year. I am in a new relationship for 5 months and we are already living together. I couldn’t get it up first couple of times and went to urologists who ran tests, did ultrasound and said it’s all in my head, and prescribed 5 mg Cialis that I have been taking for the last 5 months. We have had successful sex like 50 times, but we have also had same amount of times when I wasn’t able to get it up or lost erection without getting it back in the middle of sex. The problem is that I usually need to sit or lay down to get it up with stimulation and then I lose when changing positions often or if things get into my head.

The biggest problem is that even when I am playing on my own, I can get it very hard sitting easily and it stays like that without too much effort. But if I stand up, I will lose it in 10 seconds. There are exceptions when I was super horny and super stimulated, I was jerked off a couple of times while standing over this period and erection lasted enough. But almost always it goes away immediately.

So I have been to the doctors, they gave me medication and it’s still not working. I lose it even when I am completely on my own playing with myself if I stand up or kneel. WTF?


  1. Blood is probably redistributing when you stand, but I’m not a doctor. Are your test levels among other hormones all correct?

  2. Have your doc check your prolactin levels. Prolactin is a very common culprit of ED issues in men. Are you on any other medications?

  3. My buddy once told me if I wanted wanted to “lose” an erection, to flex my quads. Blood will rush from the peen to the muscle. Maybe related?

  4. Do you have low blood pressure? Do you ever feel light headed if you stand up quickly.

    Engaging the glutes is a great way to get rid of an erection, sending the blood away from one muscle to another larger muscle group. When I was a teen if I got an erection when I didn’t want one I’d just clench my glutes.

    Stay on the bed, try not to stand, like keep your legs bent at the knee and just try kneeling positions

  5. That’s a pelvic floor issue. I had the same problem. Did stretches and exercises for a few months and it got better. It’s Either too tight or weak.

  6. I don’t know if it can help you but since you said it kind of worked ok when you were super horny and stimulated, maybe if you are a little more stimulated than usual and using some sextoys like cockrings, maybe it can help you, i don’t know much what we can do, but maybe try that

  7. So… this may seem random, but it may be a possibility. I have POTS. My blood pressure changes dramatically enough between sitting, standing, bending over, and laying down; enough that I have passed out. Maybe it’s something similar for you. Maybe you have just enough change in blood pressure to effect your erection. Does it come back after you’ve been standing for a bit? I would say it’s not in your head and requires further investigation.

  8. Maybe not hormones, maybe heart. Look at things like POTS, where standing up can change blood flow and make people dizzy. Same thing could happen ut with blood flow decreasing to your groin due to a postural tachycardia- may be worth talking to a cardiologist:)

  9. Physically, the thing to look for is low blood pressure. The fact that you have the issue when masturbating is a likely indicator that the problem is physical, though it isn’t guaranteed.

    I’d recommend going to a psychiatrist to cover that base, but it sounds like this is a physical issue. Continue to see a General Practitioner to coordinate your specialists. And keep an eye on your blood pressure.

    *Make sure you tell them it’s a problem when you’re masturbating* as well *as when you’re engaging in partnered sex!*

  10. Given individual bodies and physical designs, often times standing or refocusing too much physically will cause erections to wane. There’s some tricks you can do and staying in shape helps but the key seems to be finding what’s comfortable for you.

  11. I’m just the opposite! I need to stand to maintain mine since the blood flow is better. However I am much older than you

  12. its the opposite for me, i love standing and feel i can get max erections doing it vs laying

  13. Pelvic floor can be too tight or to lose. Physical therapy and possible trigger spot therapy for the first one and exercises (kegels) for the last.

    Is your feelings for this GF different? More intimate or emotional, then it could be mins. If not mind, check heart out.

  14. Stop masterbation/ watching porn for 90 days and that should fix it. I’m the same age with the same issue. Meds weren’t working for me until I stopped beating off

  15. It does sound like it maybe in your head. Got any weird past trauma you haven’t worked through?

  16. Definitely agree with some these other comments, im not a doctor but I struggle with blood pressure myself and this sounds like blood pressure to me (but again, I’m not a doctor by any means). I’d maybe look into visiting a cardiologist though. Medications are tricky and can have some pretty big side effects on their own as well as lifestyle, especially when taking into consideration working out and nutrition (it can change what and how much you need). I’d start taking notes of occurrences as well as other things (like things you’re eating/drinking, how long between the time of taking medications, workouts, and other bodily sensations like light headedness, fluttery chest feelings, vision changes…) so you can have a record to look for a pattern and at least have something to bring into a cardiologist or specialist when you can get seen. Good luck though, that definitely sounds frustrating and a bit scary.

  17. You’ve mentioned in other comments that you’re on bisoprolol. Beta blockers can obviously lower blood pressure, which could directly be an issue, but of course they vasoconstrict – ie reduce peripheral blood flow specifically.

    Although your choice of beta blocker feels a bit odd anyway for anxiety (usually you go for something less selective like propranolol or atenolol), you could always ask if you could try nebivolol. This is unusual amongst beta blockers as it is vasodilating – that is, increases peripheral blood flow and so can improve erections.

    Look it up and see what you think.

  18. I’d encourage you to seek professional (not medical) help. More often than not, these issues tend to deal with psychologically generated problems. Your body is probably tippity-to, your mind may need some working on.

  19. Hey OP, idk but i think i have almost a similar issue… i can cum only when i lay on my back and i tried stroking so hard for sometime when kneeling down and standing i get super horny and its hard and all but im not cumming… is there anyone who could help me with this??

  20. Are you a ‘sitting or lying down 90% of the time’ type person?

    If so you could be less fit than the 80 year old men that I see at the pool every day.

    Thats my theory.
    Your body is going ‘WTF?’ When you do something atypical. Blood goes to your legs and core as a priority.

    I had zero fitness after a complex leg break and when it was all healed but I hadn’t even walked around the block in 8 months, I couldn’t jerk off in the shower. I also got backache just standing in a queue.

  21. Get checked for diabetes, a few years ago I was having some issues. I had my T level checked started using boner pills. I found out I had type 2 diabetes. Which caused blood flow issues. Got my sugar under control and haven’t had to use a cialas in over a year.

  22. this happens to my bf. he gets lightheaded when standing and will go soft if he doesn’t sit/lay

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