So I’ve (F24) been with this guy (M27) for almost 3 years and he wants to do anal, and i dont know if its worth it. a part of me wants to do it because i want to please him, but also scared as fuck to do it because my friends told me that it would hurt as hell. last night he forced me to do it and man it hurts so much because he is huge. do you guys think i should do it if yes please give me some tips!!

  1. No. The only answer you will need.

    Don’t like it? Don’t do it!
    Hon forcing you to doing is a major asshole (no pun intended) move and is bordering rape. Stop seeing him.

  2. ”last night he forced me to do it”… That sounds pretty fucked up. Stop seeing him.

  3. So last night he raped you, and you have not reported that to authorities or gotten medical care? You may have tearing/damage that needs to be addressed. Please put your own needs first.

  4. I was almost with you there until you said he forced you to anal with no prep. And forced you period.

    That’s rape, report him anyway you can and cease this relationship for your own benefit. He doesn’t seem to care about your autonomy, and wants what he wants, when he wants it.

  5. > last night he forced me to do it and man it hurts so much because he is huge

    Get a new FWB, it sounds like he anally raped you. Unless you actually desire painal, this is not a person to be with again.

    There are zero reasons anal should hurt. I’ve done it with many partners. In some cases I was the first for them. There’s all sorts of warm up you should do, from fingers, toys. Slowly working up. Each step should feel good.

  6. >last night he forced me to do it

    That’s rape.

    Don’t do it with this guy, but only because you should never have sex with him again.

    In general; you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, there are plenty of people out there who enjoy the receiving side of anal (also better when there is prep before) but if you don’t want to do it, then don’t.

  7. A relaxing time b4 anal…
    Warm towel on ground for your bare feet.
    Be in the most relaxing mental state you can possibly muster(you can meditate if you want or just do something that puts uou at major ease)
    Let him give you a full body massage especially around your ass and anal area
    Def look into anal lube and becareful with the lubes dont want u having a allergic reaction
    After the massage is done and your body and ass should super super relaxed at this point (please have him wear a condom you can get stds from having unprotected anal sex)
    Right before he penetrates you squeez your ass as hard for as long as you can. When you relase thats when he can push himself in(might need to do this multiple times) and with the right lube hopefully youll be able to have your first anal orgasm

  8. The whole advice thing went up in flames after the line (last night he forced me to do it) (•___•) come again? So he forced you to do anal and you still care what he thinks?

  9. Are you seriously asking people if you should do it again after he forced himself on you? Ditch this guy and fast. Anal requires a lot of prep and you could have tearing/damage now so honestly think about seeing a doctor if the pain continues

  10. Yes you can do anal without pain. But it takes time and prep and practice to work up to that point. And no, this guy is not worth doing any of that with.

    Wanting anal is fine. Forcing your partner to do it when they’re not ready is not fine. Ever.

    I won’t tell you to drop him because that should be your own decision. But I will say you should not have any sex with him again unless and until you have a conversation with him where clear hard boundaries are established and he understands that any attempt by him to exceed those boundaries=no more FWB with you.

  11. I think this is a troll post. Forced her, then she’s asking if she should do it? Huh. You already did it. Makes no sense

  12. Just say no. NO. If he presses the issue, buy a dildo and shove it up his ass and see if he enjoys it.

  13. >last night he forced me to do it

    Call the cops. That’s rape. Block him on everything and never see him again.

    >and man it hurts so much because he is huge.

    Go to the doctor. Have them do a rape kit. You could have a serious injury.

    >do you guys think i should do it if yes please give me some tips!!

    NO!! He’s a rapist! Don’t fuck rapists!

  14. Ghost him and report to police. On the anal hand. Do some research and especially view woman sex therapist articles. You’d be surprised and anal can be very pleasurable if done right. Unfortunately most men do it wrong ruining it forever for that girl. I only added this if in the future you want to give it a go for any partner but that man. I’m so sorry. Oh personal experience took years but now my wife and I engage in it and she now enjoys it. Don’t let him get away with this or the next girl could end up worse. Better yet just cut his dick off

  15. sounds like you like him a lot and don’t wanna upset him for not trying anal, nor leave him for it. but trust me and everyone else here, it’s not worth it to keep him around any further. you said he’s huge, i’m guessing it probably already hurts with vaginal sex, don’t even try anal. so please don’t let him do this to you again, he doesn’t respect you.

  16. *last night he forced me to do it*

    Nope. Drop him. Forced is unhealthy, and he hurt you. Forced has no place in a relationship, even with a FWB.

  17. > last night he forced me to do it

    I swear people don’t know what the important part of their own relationship is.

    He raped you and you want us to give you tips on anal? Or are you asking us how to convince a man that raped you to suddenly care about you and not care about anal?

    Best case scenario the word “forced” is an exaggeration and he’s still a shitty fwb that hurt you, doesn’t care that he hurt you, and provided no aftercare. That’s the BEST case scenario but I’m assuming it’s just rape. I just want you to snap out of this.

    > do you guys think i should do it if yes please give me some tips!!

    I think the most important thing you should do is prioritize your safety and ask yourself why you are staying in this relationship.

    Dick too good? He turns you on? Self esteem? Whatever it is you need to figure out how to get what you need from a healthy partner, not a toxic one.

    And if you want anal tips there are a million resources you can google on the topic but I’m not gonna give you advice that enables your abusive situation. Although for what it’s worth, it shouldn’t hurt when done well, but your bf isn’t going to do it well.

  18. Stop being a people pleaser by doing things you’re not comfortable with.
    Plus forcing you…? Really. Are you not seeing the problem as a 24 year old female?

  19. He raped you. Anal
    Doesn’t hurt when done right. Forcing is never okay. Go to the hospital as he may have hurt you and report him.

  20. You should never be forced to do anything with anyone first and foremost, but if you want to try it again, start of on top so you can put it in at your own pace. And lots and lots of lube helps. Literally can never have too much lube. If you want to put him back in your mouth after I recommend getting a flavored one because most regular brands taste like shit. I’ve gotten fucked up and taken bigger toys in my ass than my wife it’s just all about relaxing your muscles and not being tense, and a ton of lube

  21. All this is such wrong advice first of all why would you ask a community if you should have anal sex. And why is everyone giving the wrong advice like it is rape. Keep all your bedroom stuff in your bedroom and between your bf. You should tell him him that you don’t like it and see what response he gives. The rest is your heart on what you should do. If you are having sex with him that means you are intimate why are you inviting a whole community into your bedroom. If I was your bf and I found out you share intimate information on a community I would dump you in a second. What is going on with you youngsters today.

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