You are placed in an arena with an identical clone of yourself. Your clone has the exact same thoughts and performs the exact same actions as you at the same time. What do you do to win?

  1. I fight him without thinking so that we both die I guess. I don’t give a shit lmao, I was probably going to shoot myself later anyways!

  2. I would know that he’s trained to open w/ jabs so I’d try to exploit that. Lol.

  3. We gently hit each other on the chin and pretend to be knocked unconscious simultaneously. And then we fight the guards who are tasked with dragging us out until the next creepy fight can start and hopefully start a revolution to this cruel subjugation or die tryin’.

  4. Well if my clone doesn’t do things exactly when I do a simply way to win would be to be to hold my breath until I pass out. Because I would do this first I would also regain consciousness first and would be able to inch closer with each iteration until I could do something like rip out his throat.

    However I will answer for real now in the spirit of the post XD. Since we think the same and do the same we would both offer to introduce some randomness into the fight. For example, one of us would flip a coin and if it came up tails that person would have to do something like sit down. From there our actions could not be replicated by the other. For example if I were to take a step forward my copy would be unable to without first standing up.

  5. Nothing. It is My clone after all, it ll either get drunk or commits suicide crushed under all the worries, fuck ups and incomming issues.

  6. You just said we were *placed in an arena*, you didn’t say what the rules for winning were.

    So in my case, obviously, we 69 because it’s a race to see who cums first.

  7. I think it would be an infinitly long lasting game of thinking “im gonna punch him but now he knows im gonna punch him so i will bluff but now he knows im gonna bluff so im gonna fake a punch and kick instead but now he knows im gonna…”

    So we both would die of lack of water poisoning before anything happens

  8. Why would we be competing, when we could both be equally tired of this shit and just want to cooperate to scalp the MC?

  9. pshhh, me and my clone would be out back grilling burgers and drinking whiskey and talking about cars. a perfect evening

  10. I’m not toxic enough to try and kill me anymore. Been there, done that.

    And now, there’s two of us. The world is not ready.

  11. Pull out my laptop and start working since we have the same thoughts we will get done with everything in half the time then we will go chill together.

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